Student and Professional Organizations
The Organization Information listed for official student organizations registered with Ohio State Student Life –– Student Activities will provide current status, officers and other information.
Music Fraternities and Sororities

Kappa Kappa Psi
An honorary service organization whose purposes includes serving college and university band programs through service projects, fundraisers, social events and other projects.
• Organization Information
• The Ohio State University Eta Chapter, established 1923
• Advisor: Christopher Hoch
• Kappa Kappa Psi National

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia
The object of this fraternity shall be for the development of the best and truest fraternal spirit, the mutual welfare and brotherhood of musical students, the advancement of music in America, and a loyalty to our alma mater.
• Organization Information
• The Ohio State University Beta Xi Chapter
• Advisors: Andrew Blosser and David Hedgecoth
• Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia National

Sigma Alpha Iota
To form chapters of women college students and alumnae who have a sincere interest in music. To uphold the highest standards of music. To further the development of music in America and throughout the world. To give inspiration and encouragement to members. To organize the cultural life of Sigma Alpha Iota members as a contributing factor to their educational growth. To support the ideals and goals of the member's Alma Mater; To adhere to the highest standards of citizenship in school, community and fraternity life.
• Organization Information
• The Ohio State University Theta Alpha Chapter
• Advisors: Katherine Borst Jones and Lynn Singleton
• Sigma Alpha Iota National | Sigma B Province

Tau Beta Sigma
A National Honorary Band Sorority operating exclusively in the field of college and university bands. The motto, "Tau Beta Sigma for Greater Bands," refers to our primary purpose of serving bands. While Tau Beta Sigma chapters focus on their respective band programs, an important part of our vision is the idea of promoting band music as an integral part of the American cultural experience. In addition to serving bands, TAU BETA SIGMA encourages the advancement of women in the band profession and promotes and enriches an appreciation of band music through recognition, leadership development and the education of its members.
• Organization Information
• The Ohio State University Chi Chapter
• Advisor: Christopher Hoch
• Tau Beta Sigma National
Choral / Vocal
The School of Music offers several vocal ensembles for students who are not music majors. Some do not require an audition. For information about Men's Glee Club, Women's Glee Club, University Chorus and more, visit Ensembles.
American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
To educate our members and community within the discipline of choral music.
• Organization Information
• Ohio Choral Directors Association (OCDA)
• Advisor: Jordan Saul
• ACDA National
National Collegiate Choral Organization (NCCO)
National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS)
• NATS National
• Ohio State Student Chapter (SNATS)
Band / Instrumental
The School of Music offers several band and orchestra ensembles for students who are not music majors. Some do not require an audition. For information about Collegiate Winds, University Band, First-Year Undergraduate String Orchestra, Ohio State University Community Orchestra, Marching and Athletic Bands, visit Ensembles.
Central Ohio Flute Association (COFA) at The Ohio State University
To promote music within the arts community and to provide professional and volunteer services.
• Organization Information
• Advisor: Katherine Borst Jones
• National Flute Association (NFA)
Classical Saxophone Association (CSAXA)
To culturally enrich the community through the musical arts by presenting free opportunities to listen to the classical saxophone in performance; and in doing so, CSAXA will create awareness of the history, current events, and pedagogy of the classical saxophone. It shall also promote the creation and performance of new music to enhance the musical repertoire of the classical saxophone.
• Organization Information
• Advisor: Michael Rene Torres
Jazz Club
To serve the greater Columbus community through three goals: To spread awareness and appreciation for jazz music, history, and culture among non-musicians; To further the careers of aspiring jazz musicians by providing them with educational and performance opportunities, as well as assist in developing marketing and entrepreneurial skills; To build partnerships with other student organizations on campus to promote mutual artistic goals through events.
• Organization Information
• Advisor: Robert Brooks
Composition / Theory
Musicians’ Collective
To enhance and enrich the creative songwriting efforts of students attending the Ohio State University and to provide a positive environment for students to share their work.
• Organization Information
• Advisor: Robert Brooks
The New Music Collective
To engage in all aspects of the performance of a wide variety of 20th and 21st century music, with the main goal of the ensemble to perform selected works in concert and other performance venues. The New Music Collective holds it to be self-evident that the performance of contemporary music of multiple styles, genres, aesthetics, instrumentation, notation methods, sound production methods, instrumental techniques and performance practices is central to the development and education of the contemporary academic musician. The primary goal is to ensure that all members of the ensemble are involved in all aspects of its music production: rehearsing and performing new and contemporary works, concert planning, programming, repertoire choice, collaboration with guest performers, conducting, rehearsal management, writing program notes, and even composition of new works for the ensemble.
• Organization Information
• Advisors: Vera Stanojevic
Music Teachers National Association (MTNA)
National Association for Music Education (NAfME Collegiate)
To provide members with opportunities for professional development; to acquaint students with the privileges and responsibilities of the music education profession; to provide all members with the opportunity to become acquainted with leaders in the music education profession through participation in programs, demonstrations, discussions, workshops, and performances planned by this chapter, the state music educators association, and NAfME; to assist the school in various projects throughout the year; and to provide the opportunity to have contact with collegiate members from other schools.
Ohio Music Education Association
Contact: Daryl Kinney
American String Teachers Association
To promote excellence in string and orchestra teaching and playing. ASTA pursues its mission through: • an open sharing of ideas • benefits, services, and activities responsive to the needs of all members • development of strong state leadership and chapters • enhancing the image and visibility of string teaching and study • advocacy for string education and • an inclusive community of string teachers and players.
- Organization Information — currently inactive
- Advisor TBD
- ASTA National
Music Industry
Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association (MEISA)
The Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association (MEISA) at Ohio State is passionate about music and careers in the music industry. Through discussions, guest visits, conferences, and hands-on projects we discover how to succeed in this exciting business.
Advisor: David Bruenger
American Musicological Society (AMS)
- AMS National
- Advisor TBD
EMIC Graduate Student Interest Group for Expressive Culture
Scholarly and social interest group for students involved in the study of expressive culture at The Ohio State University, with a particular interest in ethnographic methods. Our primary activities include discussions of research in progress, assistance with conference presentations and article drafts, and sponsoring visiting speakers and performers. As researchers, educators, artists, performers and cultural workers, we aim to promote critical engagement with music, sound and expressive culture, and facilitate inter-departmental and community collaborations at Ohio State and beyond.
Student Council
Undergraduate Music Council
The Undergraduate Music Council serves as the voice of all Undergraduate Music Majors within the School of Music at Ohio State. This organization serves as a direct link between the faculty and students.
- Organization Information
- Advisor: David Hedgecoth
Graduate Music Student Association (GMSA)
As the representative body of the graduate students enrolled at The Ohio State University School of Music, elected members will serve as the basis of communication between the faculty and graduate student population by representation on committees in the School of Music. GMSA will also provide a forum for the presentation of research, compositions, performances, guest lectures, and graduate student issues related to academic and non-academic aspects of the University community. In addition, GMSA will sponsor social events which serve as a means by which graduate students of widely divergent specialties within the field of music may interact with one another.
Double Major Alliance
The School of Music Double Major Alliance at Ohio State is an association of Ohio State School of Music double major students, created to educate students and serve as a community for double major students. It serves as a medium for academic discourse, personal growth, leadership development, intercultural understanding, community service and lasting friendships. This organization aims to engage all double major students at The Ohio State University School of Music community. Fostering a positive and educational environment, the SOM Double Major Alliance provides a community that is active and friendly through social gatherings, team building activities, school and study workshops, and project building. This organization promotes the educational, research and outreach mission of the university as well as providing activities and services to its members and the School of Music. All music students pursuing a major along with music or music students interested in double majoring are welcome to join this student organization.
- Organization Information
- Contact: Rohit Kolluri (
- Advisor: Michael Ibrahim