Graduate Music Education at Ohio State
Whether you are interested in completing a Master of Arts, beginning a PhD, seeking professional development, or exploring areas of interest within and outside of music, Ohio State’s Pathways to Your Future in Music Education provides the flexibility to meet your professional goals.
The pathways program allows you to choose the coursework that aligns with your personal goals and schedule. Choose from summer courses, autumn/spring courses (most in the evenings), or online and in-person courses to begin a pathway to your future. (Image credit: Vectorarte on Freepik.com)
Offerings in Music Education — Summer 2024
Music 5591 — Career Development in Music (3 credits)
Instructor: David Bruenger
8-week class: June 3–July 26
Online with mandatory synchronous (online) meetings on Wednesdays 9:10–10:45 a.m.
Do you want to understand how to be an entrepreneurial musician? To guide your students on a path of professional development that leads to creating artistic, social, and economic value as musicians? Career Development in Music looks at the processes and practices of music markets. The places—physical and mediated—where musicians, audiences, and opportunities converge. Topics include commercial and not-for-profit arts sectors; the impact of digital technologies and media on music creation and consumption; branding, advertising, and promotion; copyright issues for educators and performers; funding opportunities; educational outreach and community engagement.
Music 8872 — Qualitative Research in Music (3 credits)
Instructor: David Hedgecoth
8-week class: June 3–July 26
In-person meetings — Tuesdays and Thursdays, 2–3:35 p.m.
This course will examine principles of qualitative research design in the social sciences and their application to music teaching and learning. Students will learn qualitative research techniques and will design (and potentially conduct) a research study using these techniques. In consultation with the instructor, students will determine an appropriate culminating project for the semester’s work. Depending upon the student’s program of study, previous research experiences, and professional aspirations, several possibilities exist: designing an action research study to be implemented in a school setting; conducting a series of pilot exercises in order to develop techniques and refine the focus of a later study; developing a research proposal for a qualitative study; or conducting a project that will result in publication or presentation.
Music 7754 — Midwest Summer String Teachers Seminar (2 credits)
Instructors: Robert Gillespie, Heather Lofdahl, and selected guest faculty
1-week workshop: July 7–13
In-person: Sunday–Saturday | Online: information forthcoming at stw.osu.edu
Intended for professional educators, this workshop is designed to help participants develop pedagogical and performance skills for teaching strings in the classroom. Session topics include developing secondary string instrument performance skills, rehearsing beginning through advanced orchestras, conducting technique, curriculum and repertoire, instrument repair, assessment, creativity, and classroom management. Clinicians are expert string pedagogues from around the country.
Program Features
The Master of Arts in Music Education at Ohio State is a flexible program tailored to you!
With only two required courses in the MA degree program, students develop a custom-made curriculum in consultation with their individual music education advisor, choosing from online and in-person coursework in music, music education, education and other fields. Interdisciplinary study in other departments is also possible.
Coursework is offered in summers and evenings (during autumn/spring) to accommodate students’ schedules.
To Apply
For the Master of Arts in Music Education or the PhD in Music Education, find application instructions at Graduate Programs — How to Apply.
- Application deadline: May 1, 2024
For graduate non-degree, find instructions at Graduate Non-Degree Option.
- Application Deadlines:
- International applicant — May 31, 2024
- U.S. applicant — June 21, 2024
Contact the Graduate School at 614-292-6031 to request permission to apply, if you are applying past the published deadline.
NOTE: Up to 10 credits of approved graduate non-degree coursework at Ohio state may be transferred into the degree program, and up to six credits of approved coursework may transfer from another accredited university.
Email Daryl Kinney (kinney.61@osu.edu), associate professor and area head for Music Education