Welcome to the Ohio State Bassoon Studio web pages!
I am pleased that you are considering the musical possibilities at Ohio State. Explore our pages to learn about the studio, hear musical samples and meet some of our alumni.
One of the best ways to get acquainted with a university and its School of Music is to take advantage of its outreach programs. This is an excellent way to experience campus and get to know both the faculty and current students.
High school students: consider attending our Double Reed RoundUp (autumn), Double Reed Workshop (spring) and Double Reed Camp (summer). Middle and high school students might ask their band directors to consider nominating them for our annual honor band events — High School Honor Band Weekend. Learn more about all of these as well as other School of Music Outreach opportunities.
Prospective music majors — visit Undergraduate Admissions for lots of helpful information, including:
- Our degrees
- Admissions events tailored for various stages of your college search journey
- How to visit the School of Music
- How to apply to the School of Music
- ...and more.
Continue to get to know us by attending a concert on campus or subscribing to our YouTube channel to see our concerts via live stream. Follow the School of Music on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Connect with our admissions coordinator Tanya Sparks at sparks.348@osu.edu, with questions any time.
I look forward to meeting you!
Jesse Schartz, assistant teaching professor of bassoon