Saturday, Jan. 18, 2025
Timashev Family Music Building | 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Join us for Double Reed Workshop 2025! This event is open to 8th–12th grade oboists and bassoonists with a minimum of one full year of experience on their instrument. The day's activities include ensemble playing, special topics and masterclasses to help students enhance their playing to reach the next level.
No audition is necessary; simply bring your instrument as we learn through playing together.
Event Details
8th–12th grade oboists and bassoonists who have a minimum of one full year of study/playing experience
$35 (includes lunch)
Registration and Payment Deadline
Monday, January 13 (see instructions below)
Required Forms Deadline
Wednesday, January 15
Registration Instructions and Payment
The registration process for Double Reed Workshop consists of several steps:
STEP 1 — Complete the online registration form and pay the program fee.
- Pay $35 by credit card.
- A confirmation will be delivered a few minutes after submitting payment. Closed
DEADLINE — Monday, Jan. 13
NOTE: The registration/payment form works best on a computer (PC or Mac).
MAC USERS — use Chrome, not Safari.
STEP 2 — Complete and submit required participation forms.
- Several days after registering, parents and students will receive the required participation forms via DocuSign.
- The forms must be completed and submitted by Wednesday, Jan. 15 in order to participate.
STEP 3 — Final Instructions
Approximately one week prior to the event, all registered participants will receive an email with detailed information for January 18, including:
- What to bring
- Arrival
- Parking
- Check-in
- 10–10:30 a.m. — Arrival and check-in
- 10:30–10:50 — Welcome; Ohio State faculty/student mini-performance for attendees
- 11–11:30 — Group warm-up (tone/sound fundamentals)
- 11:30 a.m.–12:15 p.m. — Special topics class (learn more about your instrument's history, important players, significant music, etc.)
- 12:30–1:30 — Lunch/Games
- 1:30–2:30 — Master class (reach the next level with topics to refine and enhance your playing)
- 2:45–3:45 — Reading session for large Double Reed Choir
- 4 p.m. — Parents pick up students
Program Directors
Professors Abby Yeakle Held (oboe) and Jesse Schartz (bassoon)

- Email faculty — Abby Yeakle Held or Jesse Schartz
- Workshop administrator — Briele Vollmuth