Welcome from Professor Jones

Our studio has a long tradition of excellence with attention to each individual. We are proud of our graduates who are teaching privately; in public schools, colleges and universities; and performing in chamber music groups, military bands and orchestras, among other careers in non-profit management and development, body mapping and others. They are working for arts organizations and volunteering in settings such as the James Cancer Hospital on our campus. Most importantly, music is an ongoing part of their daily lives.
Students in the studio receive private lessons which are geared towards both performance and pedagogy. All students perform in both large and small ensembles during each semester. In addition, students participate in studio classes, perform in the Ohio State Flute Troupe and participate in the Central Ohio Flute Association, a student organization that presents an annual flute festival. Students also may participate as counselor/coaches at the annual Flute Workshop for high school students held each summer for five days.
Students receive a fine university education at Ohio State, while receiving instruction that encourages individuality based on talent, work ethic, passion and persistence. The consideration of each student as unique is at the heart of the School of Music’s mission.
My best wishes,
Katherine Borst Jones
Professor of flute