

A rendering of the Arts District

A closer look at Ohio State's planned Arts District

New renderings of Ohio State's planned Arts District — viewed by the Board of Trustees on May 30 at a meeting of the Master Planning and Facilities Committee — highlight a renovated Weigel Hall (…

26th Annual Music Celebration Concert packs Mershon Auditorium

The School of Music marked the end of a successful autumn semester with its annual Music Celebration Concert on Friday, November 30 in Mershon Auditorium. This year’s concert represented the 26th…

Columbus Skyline

The Ohio State School of Music at OMEA Professional Conference

Join the School of Music at the 2018 OMEA Professional Development ConferenceFebruary 8 – 10








School of Music…
CELLOHIO performs at PARTY ARTY; photo by George Brazille

CELLOHIO produces first Classical Music Rave in North America

CELLOHIO, Ohio State’s cello orchestra, in collaboration with Brendan Jan Walsh, internationally celebrated DJ and cellist currently living in Amsterdam, produced the first Classical Music Rave in…


Eight students to be featured in Jan. 31 Symphony Orchestra concert

Seven student soloists and a student composer who have been selected by competition will be featured with The Ohio State University Symphony Orchestra on the annual gala Concerto Concert to be…

US Capitol at night

Symphonic Band plans Washington tour

The musicians of The Ohio State University Symphonic Band will participate in a seven-day tour following completion of spring semester exams, May 2–8, 2018.

Nearly 18 months of…

Symphonic Band's CD cover

Symphonic Band releases its first CD, "At home...the music of Andrew Boysen, Jr."

The first full-length compact disc recording by the musicians of the Ohio State Symphonic Band celebrates the music of American composer Andrew Boysen, Jr. Boysen is director of bands at the…

Burdette Green

In Memoriam: Burdette Green, 1928-2017

The School of Music is sad to share that Dr. Burdette Green, music professor for over 50 years, passed away last week.
Burdette Green joined the Ohio State faculty in 1954 as…

The Brazilian Experience group at Port Columbus

MUS 3360 students visit Brazil

The first offering of Music 3360, "The Brazilian Experience," took place during May term this year. The purpose of the course was to provide Ohio State students with an intense immersion…