Alumni Reflections

MGC Alumni

On June 21–23, the MGC Alumni Society, held its 6th biennial REUNION weekend which also served as the kick-off of our sesquicentennial (150th), year-long celebration during the 2024–2025 academic year. 

A record number of alumni and current members, came to:

  • REHEARSE for the pursuit of artistic excellence. 
  • RENEW friendships from their years at Ohio State.
  • REFRESH musicianship skills 
  • RECONNECT with brothers in song
  • REVIEW the "Buckeye Medley" 

Alumni were also asked to share REFLECTIONS via an online survey. Responses are presented here, as a reminder of decades of song and brotherhood. 

Thank you to all who responded. Some statements are edited slightly for length. Also be aware that names of courses, ensembles and degrees have changed over the decades. We have not altered these details and have not verified degrees and years. The comments and statistics below are, for the most part, as they were submitted.



BS, 1963; MS, 1968      

Retired — Corporate Research and Development; researcher and manager

Years in MGC: 1958–1961

Favorite Traditions: Rehearsals in Hughes Hall.

Favorite Memories: Singing for the Ohio Music Education Association (OMEA); tour to New York City and singing on the Voice of Firestone (ABC TV) program.

As a new freshman in autumn 1958, I auditioned for Professor Staiger, made the club, and we prepared for tour. What an experience for a green farm kid from Ashtabula! We were called "40 Men and a Girl." In NYC we were choreographed for the show, then performed with Martha Raye, singing "Blues in the Night (My Mama Done Told Me)." John Charles Daly was host.


BA, 1957; MA, 1957

Retired — Radio and TV Broadcasting; Higher Education Administrator

Years in MGC: 1950–51; 1954–54

Favorite Traditions: Ohio Stadium halftime performances.

Favorite Memories: Joint performances with TTUN (University of Michigan);1957 nationally-televised Ed Sullivan Show.



BS, 1970; MA, 1972; PhD, 1981

Career: Education technology and instructional design

Years in MGC: 1966–1969

Favorite Traditions: White tie and tails. Who knew a cummerbund was worn with the pleats upside down?

Favorite Memories: Joint annual concert with University of Michigan.


BS, 1972; JD, 1975 

Lawyer. Chief of Labor Law, Wright-Patterson AFB (Retired)

Years in MGC: 1968–1972

Favorite Traditions: Quartet auditions. The first tour of my freshman year was to go to Michigan for a joint concert. I made the tour group but was very nervous for the audition.

Favorite Memories: In 1970 we went to Los Angeles to sing at Disneyland and the Rose Bowl dinner. We got to see the Rose Parade and the Rose Bowl game vs. Stanford (we lost, but it was a great trip).


BS, 1968

Realtor since 1968   

Years in MGC: 1962–1966 

Favorite Traditions: Freshman risers; clip-on ties with old blue blazers with emblem and clip-on tie (scarlet and gray) from Marvin's Men's Wear near 15th and High.

Favorite Memories: Not favorite but very memorable — our bus trip to Ann Arbor for the Friday night pre-game joint concert. We stopped in Findlay for a snack and were told of the Kennedy shooting. Professor Staiger was in contact with the Michigan director, and we then headed back to campus. Very silent bus ride after some meaningful comments from Professor Staiger.

The spring break bus tour to southern Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia was a big deal for several of us freshmen.

Sophomore year started off big as MGC was gifted new blue blazers with better ties, formal tucks/tails, white fluff shirts and strap-on bow ties by Mr. and Mrs. John Galbreath. Apparently the MGC had entertained yearly for them at their Darby Dan Farm party house west of Columbus on Rt. 40. Our Spring Concert at Mershon was a big deal as it was the first time we used the new formal apparel. Standing room only. Big thing was changing from tucks, etc. including polished black shoes to blue blazers, etc. at intermission. We were required to quietly be on the risers in 13 minutes with our new formal wear on provided hangers, no wrinkles and hung on wardrobe racks provided for each section. Quite a task. We had to practice the "change" a few times until determined acceptable by Professor Staiger and some other School of Music staff.


BSIE, 1970; BSIE, Industrial Engineering

Retired — 32 year career with Eli Lilly Company. Served in numerous internal consulting positions. Focused on development of new competencies, such as Performance Improvement Engineering and Organizational Effectiveness Consulting.

Years in MGC: 1966–1970

Favorite Traditions:

So many. Since our bus only accommodated 40 singers (plus a female accompanist and Mrs. Staiger), we auditioned in quartets before every trip. While our roster typically included 60 men, we only had 50 tuxes, so "formal" concerts required an additional level of preparedness. Of course, when we had female accompanists, opening a program with "40 (or 50) Men and a Girl" was always a highlight! 

Favorite Memories

Performed in 5 joint concerts with That School Up North — 3 in Mershon and 2 (sold out, double) in Hill Auditorium. The tension between Professor Staiger and Phil Dewey/Willis Patterson to put on the best show was always palpable.

Freshman year tour: Deep south, often singing at impoverished schools — and being asked for autographs at the end!

Sophomore year tour: West to Missouri, singing at 3 University of Missouri campuses, plus joint concerts at Stevens College and William Woods College.

Junior year tour: East Coast trip, including a joint concert at Elmira College, singing at high schools whose music directors were Ohio State MGC alumni, and being hosted by the Washington, DC Alumni Club at the Cannon House Office Building.

Rose Bowl trip: Since I had just graduated, served as a "singing chaperone" (along with my wife, Dana).

We were seen as true musical ambassadors for Ohio State, also singing in-state concerts at Heidelberg College (Tiffin), OSU Marion Campus, OSU Wright State Campus (Dayton), etc.



BSEE (Electrical Engineering), 1983

Senior Account Executive

Years in MGC: 1978–1983

Favorite Traditions: Spring tours, tailgate singing, warming up in the stairwell of the old Student Union, singing for John Galbreath parties.

Favorite Memories: Watching as an alumnus, the Ohio State Men's Glee Club win the "Choir of the World" in Wales in 1989.


BA, 1978                                            

Attorney, retired

Years in MGC: 1975–1977            

Favorite Traditions: Tour tryouts were harrowing. If I didn’t make the cut, I would miss the trip of a lifetime and would spend spring break bagging groceries. 

Favorite Memories: Our first tour included a joint concert at PSU in Commack, Long Island, and Boston. We visited the Old North Church in 1976. Our second tour was to Birmingham, North Carolina, and Washington, DC. We sang at the Pentagon, and NIH. In our trip to the Capitol, I met former Vice President and Senator Hubert Humphrey.


BS, 1981                      

Commercial Property Manager with Scioto Properties

Years in MGC: 1976–1978

Favorite Traditions: The fun of being a freshman and working the risers while not messing up your club blazer!

Favorite Memories: The spring trip to Darby Dan Farms and entering the trophy room! In general, being a part of Norman Staiger's last year and learning about his career.


BS, 1971; MA, 1975

Juris Doctor (not Ohio State)

Retired Attorney

Years in MGC: 1968–1970

Favorite Memories:

My first year, I sang next to Jeff Fenholt as a Tenor 1. He left the club and played Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar when it opened on Broadway. So, I got to sing next to Jesus.

Centennial Concert in Mershon Auditorium.



Administrative Coordinator

Years in MGC: 1985–1987 

Favorite Traditions: Warm-ups/vocal exercises 

Favorite Memories: We used to have a regular warm-up working the scale with words like bumblebee, nimbleknee and tumbletee which would work our vowels and consonants.

One day, our accompanist at the time, the lovely Ms. Kim Kuhlmann was late getting into rehearsal, and she happened to be wearing a black and yellow striped dress. As she was walking across the front of the rehearsal hall to get to the piano, the guys immediately broke into “bumblebee, bumblebee, bumblebee" and the entire group began to crack up. One of the great comedic moments with my Ohio State MGC brothers!!!


BME, 1994; ME, 2017                           

Music Teacher         

Years in MGC: 1985–1992

Favorite Traditions: Tailgating at the local establishments.      

Favorite Memories: Running a game of Simon Says prior to a concert.



BME, 1998

Middle School Band Director

Years in MGC: 1990–1997 

Favorite Traditions: Singing "Carmen Ohio" outside of Weigel Hall.

Favorite Memories: Singing Biebl’s “Ave Maria” in Ely Cathedral’s Lady Chapel (United Kingdom).


BS, 1998; MS, 2000                     

Software Engineer   

Years in MGC: 1994–1999

Favorite Traditions: Whenever we left the county for a performance, we would sing "Carmen Ohio" in Mortarboard Court upon arriving back at campus.    

Favorite Memories: On the European tour in 1999, we did a concert at a very old church in Austria (Salzburg, maybe). The crowd cheered so enthusiastically after the concert that I thought the balcony might collapse under them. That was also the only concert I remember in which we actually sang a piece a second time because the audience demanded it.


BS,1998; MA, 2001                      

High school science teacher                   

Years in MGC: 1993–1998

Favorite Memories: Singing in Ely Cathedral in the UK, walking across campus at That School Up North after THE Game, and performing with the Ohio State Marching Band.


BS, 2005                      

Business Owner      

Years in MGC: 1990–1995

Favorite Traditions: Snaps, first-years get the grunt work, singing "Carmen Ohio" after returning home after run-outs and gigs, "My Evaline" serenades.

Favorite Memories: All our home concerts, joint concerts with Bowling Green State University and University of Michigan.


BSEE, 1997                            

RF Systems/Business Development Engineer

Years in MGC: 1991–1995 

Favorite Memories: The Michigan concerts were always fun; we hardly had voices left after the games. My musical highlights were singing at the Eisteddfod in Llangollen and in the Lady Chapel of Ely Cathedral. Just the thought of it still brings a tear to my eye. 

All the trips, bus rides, and run-outs; and Tim Sarsany bringing a group down to sing at my wedding. The brotherhood and musicianship were amazing.


BS 1997, Music Ed.; M. Div. 2004; D. Min. 2013

I'm an ordained elder (pastor) serving in the United Methodist Church in the East Ohio Conference.

Years in MGC: 1991–1997

Favorite Traditions: Singing "Carmen Ohio" in a circle just outside of Weigel Hall upon return from any of our trips. Being able to be a significant part of pre-game activities as we tailgated all over campus before Buckeye football games.

Favorite Memories: The group knew the medley from Phantom of the Opera so well that we were able to finish the piece even when the power/lights went off during a concert on tour!

For me personally, the American Choral Directors Association trip to Chicago in February 1994 became a life-changing experience, as I began to explore a new career pathway in music education.


BA, 1994                       

Manufacturing Trainer

Years in MGC: 1990–1994

Favorite Traditions: “Let’s have fun out there.”

Favorite Memories: Being under the direction of Robert Shaw. 


BA 1995, Broadcast Journalism; MBA, 2005

Executive Director of Corporate Applications at MGM Resorts International

Years in MGC: 1991–1995

Favorite Traditions: Singing ad hoc in public wherever (the Oval, sorority, a bus, McDonald's, a bar, you name it).

Favorite Memories: Motivations for attending Ohio State and MGC — I stumbled into Glee Club when I was waiting alone in the lobby of Weigel Hall for my girlfriend (now wife) to audition on euphonium. Someone asked me if I was there to audition for Men’s Glee and I stumbled out the word “Yes!” That moment changed my life. 

I’ve always described Men’s Glee Club as the experience of a lifetime, and it’s not hyperbole. I’ve made lifelong friends with whom I’m still close to this day. And I still incessantly ask them to sing a capella with me; it really brightens up a TJ Maxx. I sang in and continue to perform in some of the most beautiful performance spaces in the world. I’ve performed in the Lincoln Center, the Lady Chapel of Ely Cathedral in England, Hill Auditorium in Ann Arbor (yes, I said it), the back rooms of countless pizza places, under a bridge overpass (the acoustics are better than you might think). These are memories that you carry with you forever.

I developed a lifelong love of choral music, singing in harmony, and forever seeking to again hear the reverberations of a harmonic chord ringing through a space. I will never tire of that quest. Now I enjoy watching my son in that same pursuit.



BS/BA 2009, Finance

Enterprise Risk Manager    

Years in MGC: 2005–2009

Favorite Traditions: My Evaline!

Favorite Memories: For me personally, introducing and performing Carmen Ohio at the Freshman Convocation while sharing the stage with Archie Griffin and the late Sen. John Glenn. I was a senior and serving as MGC president, so I had the honor of speaking to introduce Carmen to the incoming class (several thousand first year Ohio State students). I'll never forget the program notes they sent me before the event: "John Glenn to introduce Scot Helton; Scot Helton to introduce Archie Griffin." Everyone gets their 15 minutes!


BA/BS, 2000                  

Financial Strategist

Years in MGC: 1994–2000

Favorite Traditions: Used to love walking to the Oval on a fall Friday before gameday and singing school songs.

Favorite Memories: Traveling to England and Wales in 1995 and competing in the Eisteddfod was an amazing experience. Also taking the 2nd basses out for beverages and cigars in Germany 1999, so the low notes would really rumble in those big cathedrals.


BME, 2011

Music Teacher

Years in MGC: 2007–2011

Favorite Traditions: Oval Sings    

Favorite Memories: Touring the Wild Turkey Distillery.


BS, 2006                            

National Sales Activation Manager, Interstate Batteries

Years in MGC: 2002–2006

Favorite Traditions: Tailgate Buckeye tunes

Favorite Memories: Concerts on campus


BA, 2005                               

Call Center Team Lead

Years in MGC: 2003–2004

Favorite Traditions: Ending each concert with the Buckeye songs; first year members telling jokes on the bus trips; singing the alma mater on the Oval when we returned from tour.

Favorite Memories: My first performance with Men’s Glee Club. We performed throughout Ohio. If I remember correctly, we started up in the northwest part, and ended up in Cincinnati. Hanging out with everyone at the Reds game after our performances was a blast. Being part of that sound for the first time just blew me away.


BS 2005, Chemical Engineering

Executive Director of Quality, The Estee Lauder Companies

Years in MGC: 2000–2005

Favorite Traditions: Singing Carmen Ohio in Mortar Board Court after returning from a concert that took us outside of Franklin County. A close second is watching Tommy Boy on Bus #2.

Favorite Memories: The 2002 Europe tour, particularly our final concert in Italy. This was Mr. Gallagher’s last concert, and we closed with Mike Martin's "When I Hear Music." The folks in the audience had no idea how much that song, and Mr. Gallagher, meant to us.

I also recall Dr. Ward's pride in the graduating seniors after the last concert of his first year. For those of us who helped carry the traditions of the MGC from the Gallagher years through the transition of Bevan and Rich, it was so impactful to hear Dr. Ward's commentary on each of us at the end of the concert.


BME, 2018                                     

Director of Bands at Peters Township High School in McMurray Pennsylvania

Years in MGC: 2015–2018

Favorite Traditions: Oval Sings

Favorite Memories: 2016 performance in New York City in Lincoln Center!



BA, 2021

I am currently a summer associate at Jones Day in Cleveland. I will begin my third year at the University of Chicago Law School.

Years in MGC: 2017–2021

Favorite Memories: I loved the performances in old churches. The combination of the acoustics and an engaged audience reminded us what hours of work can reward. In April 2019, I accompanied a four-hands piece, "A Jubilant Gloria," with Casey Cook in Weigel Auditorium. It was a thrill and an honor to perform with her. I have played the piano since age six, and Casey was my constant role model in MGC.


BS, 2015                                       

Senior Marketing Specialist

Years in MGC: 2012–2015

Favorite Traditions: Bus ride newsletters and the magic made during rehearsals.

Favorite Memories: Halftime show with TBDBITL and men's choir performances at Rutger's.


BS 2016,  CSE                                              

Software Engineer

Years in MGC: 2014–2018 

Favorite Traditions: Singing Carmen in the Mortar Board Court; tailgates, especially Carmen in the Library; Oval Sing every Friday. Catching up with the guys in Weigel Hall before club.

Favorite Memories: Walking around with the guys in NYC; heading to Chicago to catch Hamilton.


BME, 2019                             

Instrumental Music Director for Columbus City Schools at Whetstone High School

Years in MGC: 2017

Favorite Traditions: Singing Carmen Ohio at the end of rehearsal on Fridays.

Favorite Memories: The 2017 school tour to Hudson High School supporting OSU MGC alum Jacob Moore (choir director).


BS/BA 2019, Specialization Marketing

Executive Zone Business Manager (sales management)

Years in MGC: 2015–2019

Favorite Traditions: 5 Brothers, Mortar board court sings

Favorite Memories: Our performance at Lincoln Center