Robert J. Ward | Casey L. Cook | Zac DelMonte | MGC officers
Robert J. Ward, conductor

Robert J. Ward currently serves as director of Choral Studies at The Ohio State University, where he conducts the Men’s Glee Club and Chorale. Prior to his appointment at Ohio State, Ward was for sixteen years a member of the music faculty at Oklahoma State University. He has been honored with invitations to present concerts and lectures for National ACDA, National Collegiate Choral Organization. North Central Division ACDA, Central Division ACDA, International Kodály Educators, Organization of American Kodály Educators, Texas Music Educators Association and Texas Choral Directors Association, as well as Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Ohio, Utah, Arkansas, Louisiana and West Virginia Choral Directors Associations. He is currently the editor of a choral series published by Santa Barbara Music Publishers.
Casey L. Cook, collaborative pianist

Casey L. Cook began piano study at age four and was accompanying by age ten. Two of her most influential teachers were Mary Craig Powell who nurtured her musical growth for 15 years, and Dr. Nelita True at the Eastman School of Music.
An accompanist for over 30 years, Ms. Cook has been honored to accompany national and regional honor choirs for the American Choral Directors Association, the Organization of American Kodály Educators, the Ohio Choral Directors Association, and the Ohio Music Education Association. Cook is also pianist for mirabai, a professional women's choir under the direction of Dr. Sandra Snow.
Cook, currently an associated faculty member at The Ohio State University School of Music, is in her 17th year serving as principal pianist for the school's choral studies department and ensemble area. In addition to her academic appointment, Cook has served as pianist for the Columbus Symphony Orchestra Chorus since 2000. She joined the CSO as an Associate member of the orchestra in 2011.
Cook has been invited to perform on the Perelman stage at Carnegie Hall for three events. One of those performances included the premiere of Andrea Clearfield's Home in Me for piano, percussion and women's choir; another was Andrea Ramsey's Suffrage Cantata.
Cook is also pianist for Suzuki Music Columbus, which serves over 120 violin, viola and cello students in the central Ohio area.
When not on the piano bench, Casey Cook can be found on the golf course, chasing birdies.
Director of The Statesmen

Zac DelMonte is the artistic director for CCT (Columbus Children's Theatre), a professional and educational theatre company in Columbus. For the last decade, he has served as a producer, music director and conductor, voice teacher, and accompanist for theatre companies and choral programs around Central Ohio. A graduate of The Ohio State University, Zac earned his Bachelor of Music Education with a focus in Choral Music, and now serves on the Choral Conducting staff as the director of The Statesmen. In addition to his work with Ohio State, he is also a frequent adjudicator for a cappella and choral competitions, and a featured presenter at the Ohio Educational Theater Association’s yearly conference. Zac is a passionate advocate for the arts and a proud member of the American Choral Directors Association and the Educational Theatre Association.
MGC Officers 2023–2024
- David Ricci, President
- Nathan Sedlmeier, Vice President of Membership
- Ryan Bieryla, Vice President of Alumni Relations
- Grant Ekstrom, Vice President of Finance
- Nathan Fisher, Vice President of Operations
- Shaan Desai, Vice President of Networking