

William Ballenger, director, School of Music

School of Music Welcomes New Director

William L. Ballenger has been appointed to serve as director of the School of Music at The Ohio State University. His appointment begins on July 1, 2017.
Ballenger previously served…

The Ohio State University Flute Troupe

Flute Troupe Selected to Perform at NFA Convention

Through a competitive selection process, the Ohio State University Flute Troupe has been selected to perform at the 45th National Flute Association Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota, …

Donald E. McGinnis

In Memoriam: Donald McGinnis, 1917-2016

The School of Music sadly announces the passing of Dr. Donald E. McGinnis on October 28, 2016. He was a valued colleague, mentor and friend to many. He will be missed not only by his family,…

Beat Michigan! Canned Food Drive

SAI hosts "Beat Michigan!" Food Drive

Sigma Alpha Iota, Theta Alpha chapter, is hosting the first annual "Beat Michigan!" canned food drive through Michigan game day, November 26. Help us defeat 'that SAI chapter up North' by bringing…

Anthony Stanco, trumpet

Stanco and The Crucial Elements tour Kyrgystan for American Music Abroad program

Anthony Stanco, lecturer in Jazz Studies, leads The Crucial Elements, a nationally recognized five-piece ensemble that has toured the U.S. State Department’s American Music Abroad program. Notable…

Kay in flute studio with Donald McGinnis (1958)

In memoriam: Kay Logan (1936-2016)

The School of Music pays tribute to Kay Logan who passed away on June 8 in Alexandria, Virginia. Kay was a generous donor to the School of Music and spearheaded the effort to raise support for the…

Phillip Day

Phillip Day named Associate Director

Phillip Day, who served as interim associate director of Marching and Athletic Bands for the 2015-2016 season, has been named associate director of Marching and Athletic Bands and assistant…

Laura Sayre with Christian McBride, founder of Jazz House Kids

Music minor begins internship at Jazz House Kids program

Laura Sayre, third-year theoretical mathematics major, music minor (trumpet), recently began an internship at the Jazz House Kids Summer Internship Program in Montclair, New Jersey. Jazz House…

Bill Crofut and Steve Addiss, American folk singers, with children in Burma (now Myanmar). Photo courtesy of Danielle Fosler-Lussier.

Fosler-Lussier's book explores musicians as diplomats

From the mid-1950s to the early '70s, the United States sent thousands of musicians around the globe to further American interests. In the program’s heyday, musicians trekked to nearly every…