Friday, Jan. 31—Sunday, Feb. 2, 2025
One of the longest-running and finest events of its kind, this annual offering welcomes students in grades 9–12 to campus. Nearly 275 outstanding musicians, selected from director nominations, will be placed into one of three bands: Honors Wind Symphony, Scarlet Symphonic Band and Gray Symphonic Band for an exciting weekend of high-level music-making.
All bands will perform a concert of challenging and rewarding repertoire conducted by The Ohio State University band faculty on Sunday afternoon in Weigel Auditorium. The concert is free and open to the public.
For Accepted Students
Students who receive notification of acceptance to High School Honor Band 2025, and plan to attend, must confirm their intention to participate by following the steps below to submit an online acceptance form, payment and required participation forms. To be placed into one of the three honor bands, students will also be required to submit a recorded audition.
FORMS AND PAYMENT — Due by Monday, Dec. 2, 2024
STEP ONE — Complete the Acceptance form. Closed
STEP TWO — Submit Payment.
Payment may be made by credit card (preferred) or check/money order.
- Pay online with a credit card at the School of Music eStore. After submitting payment, you will receive an invoice showing "Paid" at the top.
- Pay with a check or money order, made payable to "The Ohio State University.” Indicate "HS Honor Band" on the memo line of the check.
Mail payment to the School of Music at the address below. Do not send cash.
High School Honor Band Weekend
The Ohio State University School of Music
110 Weigel Hall
1866 College Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210
You will receive confirmation via email within 7–10 business days.
STEP THREE — Complete the Participation forms.
Parents/guardians and participants will receive an email from Christopher Dent, High School Honor Band Administrator, via DocuSign with required participation forms that you will sign electronically.
VIDEO AUDITION — Due by Friday, Dec. 20
Students must prepare a video recording to audition for placement into one of the three honor bands. Visit Video Audition Information for instructions.
Once completed, upload your video to YouTube, and email the unlisted link to HSHonorBand@osu.edu.
Fees and Housing
Honor Band Weekend fee for commuters — $110, includes:
- Lunch and dinner Saturday, and lunch on Sunday
- Honor Band T-shirt
- All instruction
Honor Band Weekend fee for students staying in the hotels — $250, includes all items above, plus:
- Hotel stay (Friday and Saturday nights) — 2 persons per room
- Breakfasts at the hotel
- Shuttle bus
Hotel housing is arranged by the School of Music at the Holiday Inn Express and Staybridge Suites on Olentangy River Rd. Bus transportation will be provided to students, to and from these locations for all scheduled activities. All residents will stay in the prearranged rooms, under School of Music staff supervision.
We do not recommend that students stay with families in the hotel. If this is necessary, the student will be considered a commuter and will need to provide their own transportation to and from all events on campus.
Final Instructions
Prior to the event, all registered participants will receive an email with detailed information including arrival, parking, check-in, what to bring, and more.
What to Expect
Participants will enjoy:
- An opening concert by The Ohio State University Wind Symphony
- Master classes by School of Music faculty
- Comprehensive and educational rehearsals led by Ohio State Band faculty
- Engagement with challenging and rewarding repertoire
- Presenting a closing concert in Weigel Auditorium, free and open to the public
Tentative Honor Band Schedule
Honor Band Weekend includes THREE bands. Schedules will vary slightly for each band throughout the weekend.
5–6:20 p.m. — Registration
Dinner is on your own before the 6:30 p.m. concert.
6:30 p.m. — The Ohio State University Wind Symphony Concert in Weigel Auditorium
8 p.m. — Band placement announcements
8:30–10 p.m. — Rehearsal #1
10:15 p.m. — Buses depart for hotels
11 p.m. — Lights out
7 a.m. — Eat breakfast on your own at your hotel
8 a.m. — Buses depart for School of Music
The three Honor Bands will follow slightly different rehearsal, master class, break and dinner schedules.
8:30–11:30 a.m. — Rehearsal #2
11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. — Lunch (provided)
1–5 p.m. — Rehearsal #3 | Master classes with School of Music faculty | Rehearsal #4
5–7 p.m. — Dinner (provided)
6–9 p.m. — Rehearsal #5
9 p.m. — Buses depart for hotel
11 p.m. — Lights out
The three Honor Bands will follow slightly different rehearsal, lunch and concert schedules Sunday afternoon.
7 a.m. — Breakfast on your own at your hotel
8 a.m. — Buses depart for School of Music
8:30–11 a.m. — Rehearsal #6
11 a.m.–1:30 p.m. — Lunch (provided)
FINALE CONCERTS — Weigel Auditorium
1:30 p.m. — Scarlet Symphonic Band
2:15 p.m. — Gray Symphonic Band
3 p.m. — Honors Wind Symphony
We are proud that High School Honor Band Weekend continues to be an experience in which students, parents and band directors find value, and we appreciate your continued support of this event.
Contact HSHonorBand.osu.edu for questions or clarification about High School Honor Band Weekend.