
James L. Moore, Emeritus Professor of Percussion
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of our friend and colleague, James "Doc" Moore, emeritus professor of percussion.
Dr. James L. Moore, born May 2, 1934, held degrees from…

Mark Flugge tribute planned at Capital University
Jazz Pianist's Music Lives OnThe School of Music community is saddened by the loss of friend and colleague Mark Flugge, who died on May 11 after a two-year battle with a debilitating hearing…

Hartig selected as President-Elect of International Clarinet Association
Caroline Hartig, professor of clarinet at The Ohio State University School of Music, was recently selected as president-elect of the International Clarinet Association (ICA).
The ICA…

School of Music Honors Alumni
The School of Music will honor two distinguished alumni at its annual Honors Convocation on April 17.
Timothy Russell, professor of music at Arizona State University and conductor laureate…

Jazz Ensemble tours China
China Cultural Exchange Tour, March 7-17Nearly 30 students from The Ohio State University - including the OSU Jazz Ensemble, dancers, and rappers - are in China March 7-17 to share their…

Musicologist Graeme Boone featured in Alumni Magazine
Professor Graeme Boone, musicology, was featured in the January/February edition of the Ohio State Alumni Magazine. Read about his innovative research and analysis of a landmark musical work from…

Don Harris Papers processed by University Archives
The Donald Harris Papers collection is now complete and available for research through University Archives.
The University Archives, a unit of University Libraries, received funding in late…

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Where dedicated people make exceptional music, stimulate artistic growth, explore educational methodology, and conduct ground-breaking research…

McDaniel is Music Consultant for MLK documentary
The documentary "Building the Dream," recounting the journey of an idea for a national monument honoring Martin Luther King Jr., was aired on WOSU TV Monday and Tuesday evenings, August 27 and 28…