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Choral Collage 10/10/21

SUNDAY, OCT. 10, 2021  •  3 P.M.

The Ohio State University School of Music
Hughes Auditorium

Robert Bode, conductor
Lee Thompson, piano
Xin Su, piano

Robert J. Ward, conductor
Casey L. Cook, associate conductor and accompanist
Colin Knoth, assistant conductor and graduate teaching associate

Robert J. Ward, conductor
Casey L. Cook, associate conductor and accompanist
Bram Wayman, assistant conductor and graduate teaching associate
Ariel A. Alvarado, graduate conducting assistant

Jordan Saul, conductor
Casey L. Cook, collaborative pianist
Bram Wayman, graduate teaching assistant

Abby Yeakle Held, oboe





Let the Music Fill Your Soul
Jacob Narverud (b. 1986)

Come in, you sisters and brothers,
Come in, you cousins and daughters,
Come in, you seekers and doubters,
Let the music fill your soul.
Come in, you seers and dreamers,
Come in, you movers and shakers,
Come in, explorers and climbers,
Let the music make you whole.
Close your eyes and breathe together,
(Sit beside a perfect stranger)
Open to the Life around you,
Let the music fill your soul.
Come in, you heroes and artists,
Come in, you scholars and rebels,
Come in, you singers and lovers,
Let the music make you whole.
Close your eyes and breathe together,
(Sit beside a perfect stranger)
Open to the Life around you,
Let the music fill your soul.
Text by Robert Bode

That Which Remains
Andrea Ramsey (b. 19—)

What we have once enjoyed, we can never lose,
A sunset, a mountain bathed in moonlight,
The ocean in calm and in storm,
We see these, love their beauty,
Hold the vision to our hearts.
All that we love deeply becomes part of us.
Life is overlord of death.
Life is stronger than death, 
And love can never lose its own.
Text by Helen Keller

Estrela é lua nova
Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887–1959)

Liz Arteta, Vincent Stepien, soloists

Estrela do céu é lua nova
Cravejada de ouro.

A star of the sky is a new moon
Crafted out of gold.

William  Averitt (b. 19—)

Fire, Lord! 
Fire gonna burn ma soul! 

I ain't been good, 
I ain't been clean — 
I been stinkin', low-down, mean. 

Fire, Lord! 
Fire gonna burn ma soul! 

Tell me, brother, 
Do you believe 
If you wanta go to heaven 
Got to moan an' grieve? 

Fire, Lord! 
Fire gonna burn ma soul! 

I been stealin', 
Been tellin' lies, 
Had more women 
Than Pharaoh had wives. 

Fire, Lord! 
Fire gonna burn ma soul! 
I means Fire, Lord! 
Fire gonna burn ma soul!
Text by Langston Hughes


University Chorus

Soli Deo Gloria
Paul Kickstat (1893–1959)

Bram Wayman, conducting

Erev Shel Shoshanim
Yosef Hadar/Moshe Dor
arr. Brant Adams (b. 1955)

Ariel A. Alvarado, conducting

Viva la Musica, op. 43
Iván Erőd (1936–2019)

Bram Wayman, conducting


Men's Glee Club

Colin Knoth, conducting

How Can I Keep from Singing?
arr. Bradley Ellingboe (b. 1958)

Abby Yeakle Held, oboe

Nancy Hill Cobb (b. 1951)

Brant Adams (b. 1955)

Shout for Joy!
Dan Davison (b. 1956)

Faculty soloist

"Circus" from Where do Children Come From?
Alyssa Morris (b. 1984)

Abby Yeakle Held, oboe

Women's Glee Club

Grace Kelly
(TikTok version)
Mika (b. 1983)

Sesere Eeye
Traditional, Northern Australia
arr. Mark O'Leary (b. 19—)

Ernest Chausson (1855–1899)
arr. Mari Esabel Valverde (b. 1987)

With eyes lowered, flushed and candid,  
Toward their banquet when Hébé came forth 
The Gods, delighted, extended their empty cup,  
And with nectar the Child refilled it.  
All of us, also, when youth passes,  
We extend our cup to her over and over again.   
What is the wine that the Goddess pours there?  
We do not know; it intoxicates and enchants.  
Having smiled, in her immortal grace,  
Hébé goes off in the distance; we call her again in vain.  
Still, for a long time, on the eternal path,  
Our eye in tears follows the divine cupbearer.   

Never One Thing
May Erlewine (b. 1982)
arr. Corie Brown (b. 1986)

Soloists (in order of appearance)
Alyssa McGraw
Cecilia Vasey
Katerina Warner
Gabriella Stauffer
Yifei Zhang
Brenna Kitchen
Abby Place
Ariel Alvarado

Grace Cooper, electric bass
Bram Wayman and Anna Reichert, percussion



Molly Beetem
Lindsey Bertin
Jordan Drinnon
Corinne Gorgas
Abigail Haffey
Sophia Longo
Natalie Mahalla
Paige McHenry
Laurie McIlvenna
Lexi Moore
Isabella Parks
Ruth Peart
Anna Reichert
Samantha Sayer
Leigha Schumaker
Laura Zalewski    

Ariel Alvarado
Liz Arteta
Caitlin Boyle
Aria Cadeau
Sarah Julien
Rebecca Lisi
Mo Majekodunmi
Kait Newcomb
Karenna Peterson
Anabella Petronsi
Abby Place
Delaney-Rose Ramsey
Gabriela Sanchez
Xin Su
Cece Vasey
Samantha Weiskind

Grayson Abend
Ryan Armstrong
Jamie Boezi
Matt Burns
Brennan Harlow
Indigo London
Alex Ross
Nick Sanchez-Zarkos
Vincent Stepien
Colby van Gorp
Bram Wayman

Luke Bornhorst
Nick DeNino
Noah Friedman
Brandon Harvey
Tristan Hejl
Hayden Hostetler
Seiji Kawakami
Logan Keevins
Colin Knoth
Paul Kokora
Luke Peart
David Scott
Joe Spofforth
Jason Tisl
Roman Wentzel
Jared Yoder



Tenor I
Grayson Abend
Andy Bennett
Ben Brewster
Andrew Dalke
Jesse Decipeda
Drew Harvey
Andrew Highley
Sebastian King
Indigo London
Charles Ort
Andrew Pohl
Caleb Spinner
Noah Thomas
Oliver Vockell
Casey Wood

Tenor II
Sean Armstrong
Robert Barr
Matt Burns
Henry Byrne
Kevin Campbell
Bennet Emrick
Will Gilbert
Steven Greenwalt
Emmett Katz
Jason Kovatch
Noah Miller
Tyler Osborne
Paul Renzi
Nathan Sedlmeier
Hayden Smith
Alex Ross
Colby Van Gorp
Roman Wentzel

Bass I
Tim Browning
Isaac Bryant
Ben Bryson
Jon Cade
Grant Ekstrom
Peter Elgin
Aidan Ferguson
Nathan Fisher
Brandon Harvey
Adam Lis
Zach Oehler
Hayden Raish
Josh Reichard
David Ricci
David Scott
William Thacker

Bass II
Ian Anderson
Tommy Bridgman
Spencer Fortney
Ian Furniss
Gabriel Gonzales
Jarrod Hay
Jay Jin
Seiji Kawakami
Colin Knoth
Andrew McDaniel
Brian Michelsen
Drew Plummer
Jarrett Reeves
Jason Tysl



Julia Allwein
Maddie Betts
Martha Cibasu
Elowen Conley
Kori Crookston
Jessica Fleming
Bella Gabriel
Charlotte Geary
Julia Kraus
Nisha Kumar
Katie Nottke
Nicole Ouellette
Mary Polemeni-McGovern
Jordan Popovsky
Diana Sari
Becca Savarino
Maggie Smith
Monica Stanwick
Ashley Sukoff
Allison Teeling
Maria Trusty
Holly Vetter

Gabrielle Adams
Ariel Alvarado
Macie Bement
Elise Davis
Irene Guggenheim-Triana
Abigail Fisk
Hailee Franklin
Safa Jeelani
Brittaney Jin
Somdutta Mukherjee
Larissa Mulder
Sarah Nichols
Katie Nottke
Jordan Popovsky
Maren Primm
Sienna Pritchard
Lauren Rish
Ana Roman
Casey Rupright
Hannah Salem
Krista Staten
Dana Tamim

Dominic Armstrong
Sean Armstrong
Andy Bennett
Justin Bobby
Jorge M. Cruz Ibarra
Shaan Desai
Grant Ekstrom
Trevor Healy
Dominic Polemeni-McGovern
Charles Ort
James Pitts
Caleb Spinner
Bram Wayman
Dominick Yacono

Ian Anderson
Kieren Bode
Ben Bryson
Jon Cade
Tristan Collins
David Freeman
Ian Furniss
Will Gilbert
Nick Hann
Joze Ivancic
Noah Krumme
Mason Langenderfer
Jarrett Reeves
Josh Reichard
David Schmitz
Dani Tomaszewski



Elizabeth Arteta *
Molly Beetem
Taylor Clark
Grace Cooper *
Ema Davis
Emma Edwardson
Grace Ermie
Kathleen Fink
Anna Giametta *
Kaitlynn Gilbert *
Olivia Haines
Caroline Karbowski
Jenna Keller
Natalie Mahalla
Morgan Miller
Madison Mitchell
Molly Molina
Brynne Mosteller
Delaney Murray
Isabella Parks
Nohemi Perez Barradas
Anna Reichert
Gabriella Stauffer
Samantha Weiskind
Laura Zelewski

Ariel Alvarado
Ashley Boldt
Audrey Brill
Skylar Cinch
Sarah Ferritto
Kate France
Sarah Gibson
Lee Hahn
Ayla Hoermann *
Elizabeth Holup
Molly Hornberger
Emma Kelley
Brenna Kitchen
Lauren Klosterman
Sarah Landis
Linnaea Long
Leah Mattas ^
Liz McDermott
Alyssa McGraw
Grace McNeil
Jessie Murray
Bri Nutter
Abby Place
Meredith Reber
Cecilia Vasey
Megan Waldfogel *
Katerina Warner
Maddie Wittman
Su Xin
Yifei Zhang
Celina Zhao

* Executive Board Officer
^ Executive Board President

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