All events are free and open to the public. No tickets required.

Wednesday, March 22 • 8 p.m.
Guest artists, Chris Coles' Gleam Quintet

Thursday, March 23 • 6 p.m.
Ohio State Combos, Gospel Choir, Jazz Workshop Band and Jazz Lab Band

Friday, March 24 • 8 p.m.
Featuring guest vocalist Carmen Bradford

Saturday, March 25 • 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Featuring thirteen high school big bands

Saturday, March 25 • 8 p.m.
The Ohio State Jazz Ensemble featuring Carmen Bradford

Sunday, March 26 • 6 p.m.
The Ohio Show Band with guests
Dave Powers, piano and Josh Beatty, guitar:
"Steely Dan meets Billy Joel"
All events are subject to change.
While the new building for Theatre, Film and Media Arts remains under construction, the north side of the Timashev Music Building remains closed.
Park in the Ohio Union South Garage (open to visitors 24/7), walk north along College Rd. to enter the south doors of the Timashev Music Building.
Weigel Auditorium is located on the second floor at the far south end of the building. An open stairway located just inside the south doors leads to the hall.
- If an elevator is needed, travel through the Music Commons at the south end of the building, to the hallway to the right of the restrooms. Follow the hallway through the double doors to the Weigel Auditorium elevator.