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Men's Glee Club at 1858 Meeting House, Mechanicsburg 4/3/22

SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2022  •  4 p.m. and 7 p.m.

1858 Meeting House
43 E. Sandusky St.
Mechanicsburg, OH

Robert J. Ward, conductor
Casey L. Cook, associate conductor and accompanist
Colin Knoth, assistant conductor and graduate teaching associate



The Awakening

Joseph M. Martin (b. 1959)

Colin Knoth, conducting

Two Renaissance Motets

Haec est dies

Jacob Gallus (1550–1591)

Haec est dies, quam fecit Dominus.
Exsultemus, et laetemur in ea. 

This is the day which the Lord has made;
let us rejoice exceedingly and be glad in it.

Sicut cervus

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525–1594)

Sicut cervus desiderat ad fontes aquarium:
ita desiderat anima mea ad te, Deus.

As the heart desires springs of water,
so longs my soul for thee, O God.


Brant Adams (b. 1955)

Musica, Dei donum optimi,
trahit homines, trahit deos.
Musica truces mollit animos
tristeque mentes erigit.
Musica vel ipsas arbores
et horridas movet feras.

Music, gift of the highest God,
attracts mortals, it attracts the gods.
Music calms angry souls,
and uplifts sad spirits.
Music even moves the very trees
and the wild beasts.

Two Songs of the Sea

Nancy Hill Cobb (b. 1951)


Jae Park, conducting

Sea Fever

Daniel Farr, conducting


* * * * *

The Statesmen

Selections will be announced from the stage.

* * * * *


Armed Forces Video


That Little Church in the Wildwood

arr. Brant Adams (b. 1955)

Matthew Burns, soloist

Colin Knoth, conducting

Buckeye Medley




Ian Anderson
Robert Barr
Ben Brewster *
Tommy Bridgeman
Tim Browning
Isaac Bryant
Ben Bryson
Ryan Burdick
Matt Burns
Henry Byrne
Kevin Campbell II
Andrew Dalke
Jesse Decipeda *
Nick Denino
Shaan Desai
Grant Ekstrom
Peter Elgin
Bennett Emrick *
Daniel Farr
Nathan Fisher
Spencer Fortney *
Noah Friedman
Ian Furnis
Will Gilbert
Gabriel Gonzales
Steven Greenwalt *
Brandon Harvey
Drew Harvey
Jarrod Hay *
Owen Hennessey
Andrew Highley *
Zach Irwin
Jay Jin *
Noah Jockett
Emmett Katz
Seiji Kawakami *
Sebastion King
Colin Knoth
Jason Kovatch
Adam Lis
Indigo London *
Jack McAuliffe
Andrew McDaniel *
James McDermott
Noah Miller  
Zach Oehler
Charles Ort
Tyler Osborne
Jae Park
Andrew Pohl
Hayden Raish *
Jarrett Reeves
Josh Reichard
David Ricci
Gavin Schreiber
Nathan Sedlmeier
Hayden Smith *
Caleb Spinner
Shreyas Sunder
Jason Tysl
Will Thacker
Jordan Updegrove
Colby Van Gorp *
Roman Wentzel
Anthony Will
Casey Wood *

* indicates member of The Statesmen

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