Abby Yeakle Held, oboe, joins School of Music faculty

Following a national search, the School of Music is pleased to announce the hire of Dr. Abby Yeakle Held to lead the oboe studio at Ohio State. Dr. Held comes to Ohio State after serving the students of Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, TX. She is currently associate principal oboe/English horn with the Midland-Odessa Symphony Orchestra as well as principal oboe with the Longview Symphony Orchestra. A Fulbright Scholar, Held’s research into the Viennese oboe has resulted in publications and performances in the United States and Germany.
“I am thrilled that Abby is joining the Ohio State woodwind faculty,” said Karen Pierson, professor of bassoon. “She is a gifted teacher, a creative and artistic musician, a true scholar, and a lovely person.”
Held holds an undergraduate degree in music education from Baylor University, a Master of Music in oboe performance from the University of Colorado at Boulder, and a Doctor of Musical Arts in oboe performance with a cognate in Arts Administration from the University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music.