Sunday, Nov. 24, 2024 • 2 p.m.
Weigel Auditorium
Columbus, OH
Colin Knoth, conductor
Jordan Saul, conductor
Associate conductor and collaborative pianist
Casey L. Cook
University Chorus
Charles Theodore Pachelbel (1690–1750)
With the Ohio State Chorale
My soul doth magnify the Lord,
and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
For he hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden.
For behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
And his mercy is on them that fear him throughout all generations.
He hath shewed strength with his arm.
He hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat
and hath exalted the humble and meek.
He hath filled the hungry with good things.
And the rich he hath sent empty away.
He remembering his mercy hath holpen his servant Israel
as he promised to our forefathers Abraham, and his seed forever.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be.
The Moon is Distant From the Sea
David N. Childs (b. 1969)
Selections from Five Hebrew Love Songs
Eric Whitacre (b. 1970)
Malik Khalfani, violin
Brody Fogle, tambourine
I. Temuná
A picture is engraved in my heart;
Moving between light and darkness:
A sort of silence envelopes your body,
And your hair falls upon your face just so.
II. Kalá kallá
Light bride
She is all mine,
And lightly,
She will kiss me!
V. Rakút
He was full of tenderness;
She was very hard.
And as much as she tried to stay thus,
Simply, and with no good reason,
He took her into himself,
And set her down
In the softest, softest place.
— Hila Plitmann
arr. Michael Barrett
Brody Fogle, djembe
We praise you
Everything is created by you
You took away my burden
Women's Glee Club
Traditional isiXhosa
arr. Michael Barrett and Ralf Schmitt
Ngob’umthatile umtwana wakho, uhlale nathi hololo helele.
The Lord has taken his son who lived amongst us.
Indodana ka nkulunkulu bayi’bethelela hololo helele.
The son of the Lord God was crucified.
Hololo Baba Jehova.
Hololo Father Jehovah.
(Hololo represents crying and has no translation)
Zjem zja baba.
Zjem zja father.
(Zjem zja is expressive with no meaning)
Small group
Caitlin Bock
Ciera Feucht
Claire Holdren
Adelaide Kawakami
Evelyn Mignanou
Elle Rosenblatt
Carolyn Sagel
Taylor Small
Evy Todd
Tina Xu
Heaven is Here
Florence Welch
arr. by H. C. Moore for WGC
The Tide
Jenny Mahler
Sarah Baker, conductor
Casey Cook, piano
Selections from Magnificat
Kim André Arenesen
Alyssa Schott, soprano
Casey Cook, piano
IV. Et misericordia
Et misericordia eius et progenies in progenies, timentibus eum.
And His mercy is for those who fear Him.
VI. Suscepit Israel
Suscepit Israel puerum suum, recordatus misericordiae suae.
He has helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy.
Alex Ensign, soprano
VII. Gloria Patri
Gloria Patri et filio et Spiritui Sancto.
Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
Wannabe (as an English Madrigal)
Words and music: Geri Halliwell, Emma Bunton, Melanie Brown, Victoria Adams, Melanie Chisholm, Matthew Rowebottom, Richard Stannard
arr. Nathan Howe
Shake it Out
Florence Welch, Kid Harpoon, Paul Epworth
arr. T. Malone
Sophie O'Leary, soprano
Molly Beetem, mezzo-soprano
Kay Huvler, soprano
Small group
Reva Baste-Bania
Grace Bete
Lee Hahn
Alison Hamm
Zoe Leasure
Neila Sarkis
Be Like the Bird
Text: Victor Hugo
Music: Abbie Betinis
Colin Knoth, conductor
Casey L. Cook, pianist
Mel Ahn
Jayne Allison
Jessina Amaya
Miguel Barasorda
Jan Biesiada
Eli Bradley
Micah Bradshaw
Miguel Breza
Halle Burns
Chelsea Calvin
Andrew Carter
Amber Carver
Danielle Crittenden
Tracy Darius
Olivia Darmanie
Connor Davis
Rhys Davis
Katia DeJong
Katherine DeMoss
Becca Dunn
Macie Egbert
Grant Ekstrom
Jonathan Eschbach
Amanda Fanale
Abigail Fisk
Jessica Fleming
Craig Foulkrod
Tommy Gallagher
Josh Gutierrez
Lukas Hammer
Emma Hatcher
Everett Helm
Mary Ann Hoelzel
Maryssa Hoermle
Brandon Hudepohl
Hannah Huisman
Joze Ivancic
Alex Jolly
Sydney Jones
Landon Kidd
Alynn Kirschner
Nora Klapkowski
Lance Korte
Darien Kulchytsky
Jude Kutay
Annie Laursen
Joel Lazarow
Lin Li
Gee Linard
Jake Liu
Samantha Marcrum
Gabbie Morrison
Samesh Mundra
Curtis Nutter
Ruchira Patil
Joe Quick
Ellis Resar
Lauren Rolda
Sam Rosen
Allison Rossel
Zachary Seaver
Lily Smith
Monica Stanwick
Blake Steele
Aidan Sullivan
Autumn Sylvestri
Allison Teeling
Aidan Toler
Raphael Toro
Andrew Vannorsdall
Hanna Wallace
Patrick Woo
Haoxuan Xie
Alice Zhu
Jordan Saul, conductor
Casey L. Cook, collaborative pianist
Sarah Baker, associate conductor
Reva Baste-Bania
Grace Bete
Caitlin Bock
Wei Tzu Chiu
Paola Crespo Román
Danielle Crittenden
Lucy Dennis
Alex Ensign *
Hailee Franklin ^
Olivia Haines
Alison Hamm
Holly Hamilton
Maddy Herzog ^
Claire Holdren
Gemma Huber
Kay Huvler *
Adelaide Kawakami ^
Zoe Leasure
Xiao Liu
Sarah London
Sophia Mapes
Marissa Maxwell
Sophie O’Leary
Helena Radford
Evie Richards
Meghan Rogozinski
Neila Sarkis
Abby Schneider *
Taylor Small
Evy Todd
Donnie Whitman
Lily Wiford
Xinyu Xu
Jasmine Acuña
Kya Angle ^
Veronica Ball
Molly Beetem
Julia Biller
Alice Coneglio
Macie Egbert
Jordan Evans
Lillian Felkner *
Ciera Feucht
Crystal Finzer
Vivienne Garner
Liz Gilbert
Ava Gilley ^
Lillian Hahn
Maddie Highfield
Mary Ann Hoelzel
Molly Hornberger
Katherine Jones
Riley Lane
Aubrey Liming *
Linnaea Long
Sam Lowe
Christine Massa *
Evelyn Mignanou ^
Molly Molina
Jessie Murray
Alana Paixao-Becker #
Makenna Peterson
Ella Rosenblatt
Carolyn Sagel
Hayden Smith
Abby Spatt
Abi Traverse
Chelsea Westenberger
Katelyn White
Grace Wright
Greta Zender
# President
* Executive Board member
^ Section leader
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