Business Meals

Business meals may take place at the Faculty Club or another location.

  • Faculty Club meals are automatically charged to the School of Music’s club account and do not need to be paid with a P-Card.
  • For other locations, you may request use of a P-Card for a business meal, or you may be reimbursed after-the-fact.

Rules for Business Meals

  • Business meals must include at least one non-university employee whose presence is necessary to the business discussion.
  • Expenses may be incurred only for those individuals whose presence is necessary to the business discussion (no spouses).
  • Tips are limited to not exceed 20% of the bill.
  • Expenditure amounts for meals will be deemed reasonable if they do not exceed the federal per diem rates.
  • Business meals are exempt from sales tax.
  • As a general rule, alcohol is not permitted. Any alcohol purchases should be on a separate receipt. 

For every business meal, the following is required:

Email this information to every time you use the Faculty Club and if you are requesting reimbursement.

  1. A list of attendees
  2. Original/itemized receipts
  3. Business purpose
  4. Time/date/location of meal