
Step 1: Secure funding and worktags

  • See the Funding page for details on available funds and grant applications. 
  • You do not need to know all your worktags for each funding source. Email with a description of your funding source, such as “Orchestra area funds” or “GAHDT funds,” and they can provide the worktag information required. 

Step 2: Obtain itemized receipts

  • Make sure your receipt(s) are itemized and show a $0 balance due. 
  • An itemized receipt contains all of the following information:
    • Business name
    • Date
    • Item(s) purchased
    • Price of Each Item
    • Total amount of bill
    • Method of payment 

Step 3: Create an Expense Report

You must submit an Expense Report in Workday to be approved for reimbursement.

See these instructions and reach out to if you need additional assistance:

After approval

Funds will be direct deposited into the same account used for your paychecks.