October 16, 2024
Timashev Building, 1900 College
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2024-10-16 09:00:00
2024-10-16 16:00:00
Practice Audition Day
A special event for high school juniors, seniors and their parents. Students considering music as a major in college are encouraged to take this opportunity to meet Ohio State School of Music faculty and administrators, participate in studio classes and have a practice audition evaluated by faculty.This event is free; online registration is required. Visit Practice Audition Day.All events are subject to change.Getting HerePark in the Ohio Union South Garage (open to visitors 24/7), walk north along College Rd. to enter the south doors of the Timashev Music Building.Driving and Parking Instructions
Timashev Building, 1900 College
OSU ASC Drupal 8
Date Range
2024-10-16 09:00:00
2024-10-16 16:00:00
Practice Audition Day
A special event for high school juniors, seniors and their parents. Students considering music as a major in college are encouraged to take this opportunity to meet Ohio State School of Music faculty and administrators, participate in studio classes and have a practice audition evaluated by faculty.This event is free; online registration is required. Visit Practice Audition Day.All events are subject to change.Getting HerePark in the Ohio Union South Garage (open to visitors 24/7), walk north along College Rd. to enter the south doors of the Timashev Music Building.Driving and Parking Instructions
Timashev Building, 1900 College
A special event for high school juniors, seniors and their parents. Students considering music as a major in college are encouraged to take this opportunity to meet Ohio State School of Music faculty and administrators, participate in studio classes and have a practice audition evaluated by faculty.
This event is free; online registration is required. Visit Practice Audition Day.
All events are subject to change.
Getting Here
Park in the Ohio Union South Garage (open to visitors 24/7), walk north along College Rd. to enter the south doors of the Timashev Music Building.