Jazz Band
Wednesdays, May 7 – August 6, 2025
The Community Music School (CMS) Jazz Band is a musical ensemble that emphasizes instruction in jazz techniques and plays jazz in various styles and combinations. This ensemble is committed to rehearsing, arranging and performing all styles of literature.
Max Henderson, instructor
Program Details
LOCATION — Timashev Family Music Building (TMV)
- 1900 College Rd., Columbus 43210
- Directions and Parking
TIMES — The Jazz Band will meet on Wednesdays from 7–7:50 p.m. on the following dates:
- May 7, 14, 21, 28
- June 4, 11, 18, 25
- July 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
- August 6
Class cancellation policy — In a weather emergency, the class will occur online and will not be made up in-person or refunded.
ELIGIBILITY — Students in grades 9–12 and adults
Participants are enrolled in order of date and time their registration is received. Register as soon as possible to reserve your spot. If you have been placed on a waitlist, we ask that you do not show up for the class unless we notify you of an opening. Registration and payment must be completed before a student can attend. In a weather emergency, the class will occur online and will not be made up in-person or refunded.
Minimum enrollment of five (5) participants is required for the class. This class is subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment is not met. If the class is cancelled due to low enrollment, students will be notified in advance and payment will be refunded.
- Single student per household: $280 ($20/class) + $30 administrative fee per student (not per offering, in the event of participation in more than one).
- Multiple students in the same household: $280 per student ($20/class) + $50 administration fee per family (not per student).
- Payable only once, regardless of the number of classes taken.
The administrative fee will be a separate product when you pay online with a credit card. Place both your selected product(s) and the administrative fee into your cart to check out.
What is the administrative fee?
Administrative fees cover the cost of administration, registration, instructor background checks, recital costs, etc. Charging this fee, including the discounted version for families with multiple students enrolled, allows us to set the per class fee at a competitive market rate.
Interested in Financial Aid?
DEADLINE — Sunday, Apr. 27, 2025
STEP 1 — Complete and submit the online registration form. If you feel you qualify and are interested in applying for Financial Aid, indicate this on your registration form.
STEP 2 — If you indicate interest in Financial Aid on your registration, you will be provided with an application. DO NOT proceed to STEP 3 (tuition payment) until you receive confirmation of aid.
STEP 3 — Submit payment.
To pay online with a credit card (preferred), use the link provided in your registration confirmation OR use the link below.
Shortly after submitting payment, you will receive an email confirming the transaction.
Pay with credit card at CMS eStore
NOTE — The payment works best on a computer (PC or Mac).
MAC USERS — Use Chrome, not Safari.
To pay by check:
Make check payable to The Ohio State University. Print “CMS Jazz Band” on the memo line.
Mail to:
Ohio State Community Music School
ATTN: Fiscal Officer
110 Weigel Hall
1866 College Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210
What's Next?
On Monday, May 5, participants will receive a confirmation email with instructions for arrival at the Timashev Family Music Building and details for the first class.
Email the CMS manager, at CommunityMusicSchool@osu.edu or call 614-292-5495.
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