CMS Finances and Financial Aid

CMS Finances and Financial Aid

Hand of person using calculator and calendar

Tuition Schedule • How to Pay • Financial Aid • Cancellation/Refund Policy

Summer 2025 Session Tuition

Tuition varies by offering.

A separate administrative fee covers the cost of administration, registration, instructor background checks, recital costs, etc. Charging this fee allows us to set the per lesson fee at a competitive market rate.

  • Students taking more than one offering per session pay the $30 administrative fee only once — not per offering.
  • Families with multiple students in one household pay a discounted administrative fee of $50 once per session, not per student. 

Note — When paying via credit card through our eStore, the administrative fee will be a separate product to add to your cart at checkout. 

Private Lessons — 14-week session

30-minute Private Lessons

  • Single student per household: $350 ($25/lesson) + $30 administrative fee per student (not per offering, in the event of participation in more than one).
  • Multiple students in the same household: $350 per student ($25/lesson) + $50 administration fee per family (not per student).  

60-minute Private Lessons

  • Single student per household: $700 ($50/lesson) + $30 administration fee per student (not per offering, in the event of participation in more than one).
  • Multiple students in the same household: $700 per student ($50/lesson) + $50 administration fee per family (not per student)

Classes and Ensembles — 14-week session

  • Single student per household: $280 ($20/class) + $30 administrative fee per student (not per offering, in the event of participation in more than one).
  • Multiple students in the same household: $280 per student ($20/class) + $50 administration fee per family (not per student). 

How to register and pay if you are not requesting Financial Aid

Step 1 — Register online for your activity

Registration is separate from payment. Register for your activity/activities online first. Use the link on the web page for your activity at Community Music School.

Step 2 — Pay online with a credit card (preferred) 

Use the link — provided both in your registration confirmation email and on the web page of your activity — to access the e-Store to make payment. 

Once in the e-Store, you will select your product(s). Note that the Administrative Fee is a separate product. Both must be added to your cart to check out and pay. 

Be sure to select the administrative fee that corresponds to your situation:

  • Single student ($30 per student, not per offering) or,
  • Multiple students in a single household (discounted $50/family, not per student)

Shortly after submitting payment, you will receive an email confirming the transaction.

NOTE — The payment form works best on a computer (PC or Mac). MAC USERS — use Chrome, not Safari.


Step 2 — Pay by check

Make check payable to The Ohio State University. Indicate the name of your specific activity on the memo line. 

Mail to:

Ohio State Community Music School
ATTN: Fiscal Officer
110 Weigel Hall
1866 College Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210

Financial Aid — Qualifications and Process

Dollar sign

We believe in the transformative power of music education for all, and are dedicated to making music accessible to everyone. Our commitment to inclusivity is reflected in our Financial Aid Fund which is made possible by foundation support, grants, sponsorships, and generous donors. Thanks to this ongoing support, we offer tuition assistance based on need and in order of application. 

Families receiving federal or state benefits like supplemental security income, food stamps, free or reduced lunch, temporary assistance, WIC, or home energy and utility assistance can qualify for financial aid. 

Join us at the CMS and let music enrich your journey thanks to the help of our supportive community!

How to Register — if requesting Financial Aid

Step 1 — Register online for your activity

Register for your activity/activities online. Use the link on the web page for your activity at Community Music School.

  • Indicate your interest in receiving Financial Aid on your registration form
  • DO NOT proceed to payment. 

Step 2 — Receive Financial Aid Application

Once we receive your registration form with indication of your interest in financial aid, we will send a Financial Aid application via DocuSign. Watch your email.

The brief form will ask some basic questions and will also ask you to submit basic proof of benefits already received, which will be used to determine need. A list of acceptable documents will be provided.

  • Information provided is confidential, and used only to determine eligibility.

Step 3 — Proceed to payment

  1. Once you receive confirmation of financial aid, you will be provided with the amount of your discounted tuition and a discount code to use at checkout in the e-Store.
  2. Make payment online (preferred) or by check. 

How to pay — if you have received Financial Aid

Step 1 — Registration and Financial Aid Request (steps outlined above)

You must first complete the Registration and Financial Aid Request steps above. Once you receive confirmation of Financial Aid, proceed to make payment. 

Step 2 — Pay online with a credit card (preferred)

Use the link — provided both in your registration confirmation email and on the web page of your activity — to access the e-Store to make payment. 

Once in the e-Store, you will select your product(s). Note that the Administrative Fee is a separate product. Both must be added to your cart to check out and pay. 

Be sure to select the administrative fee that corresponds to your situation:

  • Single student ($30 per student, not per offering) or,
  • Multiple students in a single household (discounted $50/family, not per student)

Apply the discount code you were provided in your Financial Aid notification. This will adjust the total amount due when you checkout.

Shortly after submitting payment, you will receive an email confirming the transaction.

NOTE — The payment form works best on a computer (PC or Mac). MAC USERS — use Chrome, not Safari.


Step 2 — Pay by check

Make check payable to The Ohio State University. Indicate the name of your specific activity on the memo line. 

Mail to:

Ohio State Community Music School
ATTN: Fiscal Officer
110 Weigel Hall
1866 College Rd.
Columbus, OH 43210

Withdrawal/Cancellation Policies 

Participants are reserving time and making a commitment for an entire session of lessons, classes and/or ensembles. Refunds will not be given if a participant decides to withdraw from the program.

In a weather emergency, cancelled classes will be held online and will not be made up in-person or refunded. 


Email or call 614-292-5495.

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