Community Music School

Community Music School


The Ohio State Community Music School (CMS) offers music instruction in-person and online to children and adults with diverse backgrounds, skill levels and differing educational goals through private instruction, classes and ensembles. All students have the opportunity to participate in recitals and other school-sponsored events.

CMS offers instruction at the Timashev Family Music Building (TMV), the African American and African Studies Community Extension Center (AAAS CEC) and at Graves Piano. Some offerings are available at multiple locations. When reading about and registering for an offering, be careful to note the location — to make sure it is the one you prefer.

Student and Parent Testimonials

Financial Assistance Opportunities

Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment Educational Savings Program

Families who have been awarded funds from the Afterschool Child Enrichment Education Savings Account program (ACE) can apply for reimbursement for Community Music School Activities. Visit Ohio Afterschool Child Enrichment for more details.

Are you an Ohio State sophomore enrolled in STEP? 

Students participating in the Second-year Transformational Experience Program (STEP) can use the STEP Fellowship to support their participation in private lessons through the Community Music School. For questions about a STEP Signature Project in the Creative and Artistic Endeavor category, please contact

Lifestyle Spending Account

To support health and well-being, Ohio State offers eligible employees the option of using a Lifestyle Spending Account (LSA) to reimburse personal expenses related to health, fitness, family, emotion and social wellness. Eligible expenses include:

  • Music classes and instruments (i.e. guitars, drumsticks, sheet music, lessons)

Give to the Community Music School Fund

This fund supports the Community Music School with
financial aid, community engagement and programs. 


Contact us through our Inquiry Form



Call 614-292-5495 

Follow the Ohio State Community Music School on Facebook and Instagram.

The Ohio State University Office of Academic Affairs logo

The Community Music School gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following:

The Ohio State University Office of Academic Affairs/Vice Provost for the Arts

The Dean's Discretionary Fund

The Barbara and Sheldon Pinchuk Arts–Community Outreach Grant 

The Columbus Foundation