High School Jazz Band Day

Saturday, March 22, 2025

9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Collage of 5 jazz band instruments

As part of the 48th Annual Ohio State Jazz Festival (March 18–23), high school jazz bands of all ability levels are invited to attend High School Jazz Band Day.

Bands will be given a half-hour slot for performance, which includes set-up and exiting the stage. Each band will receive written constructive feedback from Jazz Studies faculty and festival artists as well as a brief private clinic following their performance. Recognition awards will include outstanding soloist and outstanding section from each band, and more.

Eligibility and Fees

High school jazz bands of all ability levels are welcome.

  • $100 per jazz combo (up to 9 performers)
  • $200 per big band (10 or more performers)

Band Director Registration and Payment

You will be required to make payment via credit card at the time of registration. Shortly after submitting payment, you will receive an email confirming the transaction. 

Band Director: Register and pay

DEADLINE  Monday, March 17

NOTE — The registration/payment forms work best on a computer (PC or Mac).
MAC USERS — use Chrome, not Safari.

Attendance Details

Shortly after the registration deadline, directors will receive a welcome email detailing attendance on March 22. Instructions will include drop-off/pickup instructions, bus and car parking, instrument storage, places to eat, the event schedule and more.

Instruments and Equipment

What we provide:

The School of Music will provide the following equipment:

  • Drum set and cymbals
  • Bass and guitar amplifiers
  • Piano
  • If you need additional equipment, please contact us. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.

Remember to bring:

In addition to all instruments and equipment not listed above, please remember to bring:

  • Drum sticks
  • Bass and guitar patch cords
  • NOTE: do not bring saxophone fronts

Band directors, students and parents are invited to stay for the day to listen to performances of other school bands. You might also like to stay in the campus area for dinner and then return for the headliner concert with the Ohio State Jazz Ensemble.

All are invited to attend events of the 48th Annual Ohio State Jazz Festival. All events are FREE.

  • Tuesday, March 18 — Jazz Combos in Concert
  • Wednesday, March 19 — Jazz Club Night with special guest Kellin Hanas, trumpet
  • Thursday, March 20 — Jazz Workshop and Jazz Lab Big Bands
  • Friday, March 21 — Special guests: Bobby Sparks and Friends in Concert
  • Saturday, March 22 — High School Jazz Band Day
  • Saturday evening, March 22 — Ohio State Jazz Ensemble with guest Bobby Sparks

Watch for additional Festival details at Events in early 2025.


Contact Professor Mike Smith, area head of Jazz Studies, at smith.8675@osu.edu