Purchasing Card (PCard)

The School of Music’s Purchasing Card can be used for purchases of goods or services that are necessary to conduct university business and are not available through an Ohio State contracted or preferred vendor.

An email request is required to sign out the PCard.

Please email ASC-Music-Finance@osu.edu with your:

  1. Business purpose
  2. Funding source
  3. Estimated cost
  4. Vendor name 

Making your purchase online? Include a link to the product/website. The Music fiscal team can make the purchase on your behalf without checking out the PCard.

The PCard should only be used at the named location for the amount requested and for the items specified in the email request.

Important Tips

  • The university is tax-exempt. DO NOT pay taxes on PCard purchases.
  • Amazon orders must be placed through a Department PCard Manager only when the requested items are not available through a university vendor.
    • No personal Amazon accounts can be used to place orders using university funds.

Terms and Conditions

Online purchases often contain Terms and Conditions that must be agreed upon in order to purchase. This is a legal agreement between the vendor and the university, so it must be reviewed by the university prior to any PCard purchases.

The Music fiscal team will submit Terms for review and keep you updated on progress. We thank you for your patience.