The Wind Symphony embarks on a two-week performance tour of Japan in May. The program represents outstanding music by American composers. Rocky Point Holiday by Ron Nelson; David Maslanka’s Symphony No. 7, and Omar Thomas’ Come Sunday.
The ensemble, with Susan Powell and Joseph Krygier, percussion, will give the world premiere performance of Krygier’s new work for percussion duo and wind ensemble.
Russel C. Mikkelson, conductor.
This concert is free and open to the public. No ticket required.
All events are subject to change.
Getting Here
Park in the Arps Garage (open to visitors M–F after 4 p.m. and on weekends) just north of the Timashev Music building.
Weigel Auditorium is located on the second floor at the far south end of the building. An open stairway located just inside the south doors leads to the hall.
- If an elevator is needed, walk through the Music Commons, behind the open stairway to the back hallway. Follow the hallway through the double doors to the elevator.
You may also park in Arps Garage (open to visitors M–F after 4 p.m. and on weekends) just north of the Timashev Music building.