The flute/guitar duo, Fabio Mazzitelli and Omar Cyrulnik, will perform works by Remo Pignoni, Anibal Troilo, Homero Manzi, Horacio Salgan, Eduardo Timpanaro and Gustavo "Cuchi" Leguizamon. The program features Astor Piazzolla's La Historia del Tango. This recital will take place at LeFevre Hall on Ohio State's Newark campus; the same program will be presented Saturday, Sept. 28 in Hughes Hall Auditorium on the Columbus campus.
The extensive repertoire for flute and guitar and the many points of common interest between Fabio and Omar — musicians with prestigious solo careers — led them to create a duo. As artists, they search for repertoire of Argentine and Latin American music and for a sound that is not only the sum of the two instruments, but rather a unique and personal experience that arises from a deep timbral and expressive collaborative work. As pedagogues, they share training spaces such as the Department of Musical Arts of the National University of the Arts and the summer courses of the Summer Music School; this adds depth and reach to the dissemination of their repertoire and unique sound. In the short time since establishing their collaboration as the duo Mazzitelli-Cyrulnik, they have performed in the most important venues in Buenos Aires, in the Argentine festivals Sierra de la Ventana, Monte Hermoso and Gualeguaychú; and Italian festivals in Arezzo, Cesena and Forli. Mazzitelli and Cyrulnik are currently completing their first recorded album, edited by the DAMus label dedicated to Argentine music.
Es amplio el repertorio escrito para flauta y guitarra y muchos los puntos de interés común que hicieron que Fabio y Omar, dos músicos con una amplia trayectoria solista, decidieran hacer un duo. Desde lo artístico la búsqueda de un repertorio particularmente ligado a la música argentina y latinoamericana y la búsqueda de un sonido que no sea solo la sumatoria de los dos instrumentos sino una experiencia única y personal que surge de un profundo trabajo tímbrico y expresivo. Desde lo pedagógico el hecho que ambos compartan espacios de formación como el Departamento de Artes Musicales de la Universidad Nacional de las Artes y los cursos estivos de la Escuela de Música de Verano le dan a esta búsqueda aun mayor profundidad. En el corto tiempo que el duo lleva de vida se han presentado en las más importantes salas de Buenos Aires así como en los festivales Sierra de la Ventana (Argentina), Monte Hermoso (Argentina), Gualeguaychú (Argentina), Arezzo (Italia), Cesena (Italia), Forli (Italia). Actualmente están terminando su primer trabajo discográfico que será editado por el sello del DAMus dedicado a la música argentina.
This event is part of the Latin American Music Celebration at The Ohio State University, Sept. 23–Oct. 8, 2019.
In celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15–Oct. 15), the Ohio State School of Music and the Organization of Hispanic/Latino Faculty and Staff proudly present a series of concerts and musical experiences that highlight the culture of Latin America.
These events are free and open to the public.
Thank you to our sponsors
Center for Latin American Studies • Department of Spanish and Portuguese • Office of Outreach and Engagement • The Ohio Arts Council • The Ohio State University, Newark campus