Faculty and Guests: Iovi Saxophone Quartet

Iovi Saxophone Quartet
April 4, 2022
8:00PM - 9:00PM
Hughes Hall Auditorium

Date Range
2022-04-04 20:00:00 2022-04-04 21:00:00 Faculty and Guests: Iovi Saxophone Quartet The Iovi Saxophone Quartet presents a recital on Monday evening. Todd Gaffke, soprano sax; Michael Rene Torres, alto; Heidi Rattke, tenor; J. Adam Briggs, baritone. Selections by Caryl Florio, Marilyn Shrude, Pierre Lantier, Arvo Pärt and James Wilding. PROGRAM [pdf] Masks are optional on campus. They remain required in health settings and on campus transportation. Hughes Hall Auditorium School of Music music@osu.edu America/New_York public

The Iovi Saxophone Quartet presents a recital on Monday evening. Todd Gaffke, soprano sax; Michael Rene Torres, alto; Heidi Rattke, tenor; J. Adam Briggs, baritone. Selections by Caryl Florio, Marilyn Shrude, Pierre Lantier, Arvo Pärt and James Wilding.


Masks are optional on campus. They remain required in health settings and on campus transportation.

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