Travel Grants

Student Professional Travel Grant Application Information

The Student Professional Travel Grant for Graduate Students is depleted for the 2024–2025 academic year.

Program Description

The School of Music has available a limited amount of money to assist deserving students in pursuing travel related to performance or research presentations in professional venues.


Undergraduate and Graduate students who are enrolled full-time in a degree program in the School of Music are eligible to apply.

Funding Categories

  1. Travel for invited or accepted research presentation or performance at significant professional events.
  2. Travel for invited competitions/auditions following a pre-screened juried process.

Application Process

Applicants should request funds at least six weeks before the travel or other expense will take place. All funding is contingent on availability. Retroactive applications under this program will not be considered. To apply, compile the following in a single PDF document:
  1. The School of Music Student Professional Travel Grant Application form.
  2. A 1–2 page description of the research/performance work to be performed/presented, conference/festival/competition, and the potential professional significance to your degree program and your development as a scholar or performer.
  3. A letter of faculty support from the applicant’s applied teacher, advisor, or mentor, affirming the worth of the project for which funding is sought.
  4. A letter of invitation or other indication of acceptance from the sponsoring organization or institution.
  5. A detailed budget, outlining the cost of the experience and indicating any other funding sources available.

Download and complete the appropriate fillable PDF form:

Professional Travel Grant Application for Undergraduate Student

Professional Travel Grant Application for Graduate Student

Review Process

Undergraduate applications will be reviewed by the associate director of Undergraduate Studies, and graduate applications by the chair of Graduate Studies, in consultation with the appropriate area head and the director, as needed. The proposal review will consist of an overall assessment of the merits of the proposed project (benefits to the student, how likely the student is to complete the task successfully, feasibility of the budget, etc.) as well as an assessment of the merits of the application itself (how well it explains the project and its benefits, the completeness of the application, readability, etc.)

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