The Ohio State University Bands have enjoyed a wonderfully rich history. From humble beginnings in 1879 as a sixteen-piece commencement band, the band program has developed into one of national prestige, serving approximately 650 student musicians annually. The band faculty is committed to providing diverse and engaging musical experiences for all students, ranging from the Wind Symphony’s critically acclaimed recordings, the Symphonic Band’s performances at the Ohio Music Education Association professional conference, to the creative and popular halftime shows of The Ohio State University Marching Band. Our ensembles serve as a fertile training ground for undergraduate music education and performance majors, as well as graduate student musicians and conductors. Graduates hold positions as professional orchestral musicians, soloists, conductors, university professors, members of the Washington-based military bands, and are some of the world's leading music educators. Students from all degree programs are afforded the opportunity to participate in one of four concert bands, as well as the marching and athletic bands. We encourage all Ohio State students to experience the thrill and excitement of music making by joining one or more of our ensembles!
Dr. Russel C. Mikkelson
Professor and Director of Bands
Learn more about band activities at Ohio State
Bands | Events | Honor Band | History
Auditions and Membership
Membership is open to all students enrolled at the university, regardless of major.
Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, Collegiate Winds — by audition.
University Band — A formal audition is not required. Register for the course. At the first class meeting, there will be a part placement audition to seat the band.
Graduate degrees in wind conducting
Learn about the MM and DMA degrees at Graduate Studies Admissions.
Contact Us
Office of Concert Bands
110 Weigel Hall | 1866 College Road | Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614-292-5272 | Fax: 614-247-6250 | Email dent.50@osu.edu
Marching and Athletic Bands
Steinbrenner Band Center | Ohio Stadium
Mail: 110 Weigel Hall | 1866 College Rd | Columbus, OH 43210
Phone: 614 292-2598 | Fax: 614 292-9712 | Email osumb@osu.edu