Registration and Payment

Workshop Registration

ALL attendees must register and submit payment following the procedures below.

Please review carefully all information on this page before registering.

In-Person Workshop

  • In-person REGISTRATION (with $75 deposit) deadline — FRIDAY, JUNE 20
  • In-person PAYMENT IN FULL (balance due) deadline  THURSDAY, JULY 3
    • Pay online at Stanton's Sheet Music Store

Register for the IN-PERSON Workshop

Online-Only Workshop

Register below. After submitting a Workshop registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing instructions and a link to Stanton's Sheet Music Store site.

ONLINE-ONLY registrants submit PAYMENT IN FULL online. 
(NOTE: use only the purple button in Stanton's Sheet Music Store)

  • Online-only REGISTRATION and PAYMENT deadline  THURSDAY, JULY 3

Register for the ONLINE-ONLY Workshop


In-Person ( * see Tuition and Housing for dormitory options)

  • $499 * — In-person; Non-credit
  • $549 * — In-person with CEU credit (4.5 Continuing Education Units); attendees must fulfill requirements noted at Continuing Education Credit
  • $650 * — In-person with Graduate credit (2 academic semester credits)
  • $150 — Non-credit ASTA student member (tuition only; no housing), for college students registered as student members of ASTA
  • $250 — Graduate credit ASTA student member (tuition only; no housing), for college students registered as student members of ASTA


  • $199 — Online Workshop only; non-credit (pay in full)
  • $249 — Online Workshop only, with CEU credit (pay in full)


Pay with a credit card at Stanton's Sheet Music Store. Payments are made through Stanton's as a third-party representative in order to keep tuition affordable.

  • Shortly after you submit your Workshop registration, you receive a confirmation email which will contain a link to Stanton's online store where you pay as follows.

STEP 1 — Browse Stanton's colorful store links carefully to be sure you select the correct payment option. For assistance/clarification, email the Workshop administrator. Payment options include both in-person and online-only offerings.

  • If you will attend ONLINE ONLY, use the purple button only ($199–$249).

STEP 2 — After selecting the correct payment link, follow the prompts to complete your payment.

STEP 3 — You will receive an email notification confirming your transaction.

  • If you will attend IN PERSON, you may select the $75 deposit option (yellow button) and pay your tuition balance online before the payment deadline (select "Deposit paid" for your credit category), —OR— pay in full.

Registration and PAYMENT IN FULL must be received before THURSDAY, JULY 3.

All transactions must be made via STANTON'S STORE online. NO transactions will be accepted or processed by phone, email, postal mail or in person by ANY Ohio State School of Music faculty or staff member. The School of Music is prohibited from accepting payment on behalf of a third party.


Registration/payment, housing, tuition, sessions — email Julie Ellis, Workshop administrator.

Graduate credit — email Heather Lofdahl, Workshop director (

String Teacher Workshop