For students attending High School Honor String Orchestra Weekend
All students who have been invited to, and plan to attend, the Ohio State Honor String Orchestra Weekend (Oct. 18–20, 2024) are required to create and upload a video audition for placement into one of the two honor string orchestras — Scarlet Orchestra or Gray Orchestra.
Read the instructions below thoughtfully.
If you have questions about the orchestras or the process, event administrator, Christopher Dent, at
Placement Audition Overview
- Each attendee must video record an audition and submit for evaluation according to the procedures outlined below.
- The video will be uploaded as "unlisted" to YouTube.
- Auditions will be evaluated by School of Music faculty members.
- Recordings are due no later than MONDAY, OCTOBER 7.
Required Musical Excerpts
The required excerpts can be found below. Be sure to read all of the instructions on this page first. Download the PDF for your instrument to prepare to create your video.
Recording and Technical Information
BEFORE you begin — Equipment check
- Use whatever video recording device you have at your disposal (video camera, phone, tablet, computer, etc.), but select a device that captures the highest quality audio.
- When positioning the camera, be sure that you can be seen clearly in the video.
- Before recording, test the audio level and picture quality of both the device and microphone.
Create your recording
- The video recording is to be one continuous take, with no pauses or edits in any way.
- Begin the video with a short personal introduction. State:
- Your first and last name
- Your grade level (e.g. 9th grade, 10th grade)
- Full name of your high school
- Your home town (e.g. “Columbus, OH,” “Pittsburgh, PA,” etc.)
- Following your personal introduction, proceed to the excerpts, performing all of them in the order in which they appear in the PDF document for your instrument. You may take some time between excerpts, but do not stop or pause the recording. Allow the recorder to capture the time you take between excerpts.
Finalize and upload your video
- View your completed video in its entirety to ensure that it includes all of the required components and your finest quality performance of the required excerpts.
- Audition should be posted as an unlisted video on YouTube. Below is a link to an instructional video that can help with this process:
Send your video link
- Send an email to the Honor String Orchestra Administrator at Please type “Ensembles Audition” in the subject line of the email and include the following information in the body of the email:
- First and last name
- Instrument
- The working YouTube link to the finalized audition video
- The link to your audition video must be received by MONDAY, OCTOBER 7.
All students who complete and submit an audition will be notified of their orchestra placement at check-in on Friday of Honor String Orchestra Weekend.
QUESTIONS? Contact the Honor String Orchestra Administrator at
Musical Excerpts to prepare your Audition Video
[pdf] — Some links on this page are to Adobe PDF files requiring Adobe Reader. Should you need them in a more accessible format, contact us.