In Memoriam: Burdette Green, 1928-2017

The School of Music is sad to share that Dr. Burdette Green, music professor for over 50 years, passed away last week.
Burdette Green joined the Ohio State faculty in 1954 as instructor of music theory and saxophone; he retired in spring 2008. In 1960, he studied musicology with Dragan Plamenac at the University of Illinois and in 1969 completed his doctorate at Ohio State under the supervision of Richard Hoppin. He was a former member of the Columbus Symphony Orchestra as a clarinetist, and played lead saxophone in the Columbus Jazz Orchestra for many years. He co-authored "From Music Acoustics to Tonspychologie: Fresh Experimental Perspectives" appearing in The Cambridge History of Western Music Theory (Cambridge University Press).
Dr. Green served as faculty adviser to Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, helped to start and mentor the Jazz Ensemble, chaired the music theory area and served on numerous committees. He was a devoted and well-loved teacher, known for his breadth and depth of scholarship, his humor, his editorial skills and his steady guidance. He was active in and presented papers to the Society for Music Theory and the American Musicological Society. He received the Distinguished Teaching Award from the School of Music in 1972–73.
Calling hours are from 5–8 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 25 at Schoedinger Northwest Chapel, 1740 Zollinger Rd., Columbus 43221. Service will take place 1 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 26 at First Community Church, 1320 Cambridge Blvd. in Grandview.
Memorial donations may be made online at Frank Kinnan Scholarship in Music (Fund #603700) or by check payable to The Ohio State University Foundation, 1480 W. Lane Ave., Columbus OH 43221 (please print Frank Kinnan Scholarship in Music Fund #603700 in the memo line of the check) — or to the Jazz Arts Group (Education Fund), 734 E. Long St., Columbus 43203.
Obituary in The Columbus Dispatch