Huron awarded Nico Frijda Honorary Chair in Cognitive Science

David Huron, professor emeritus, theory, has been awarded the 2021 Nico Frijda Honorary Chair in Cognitive Science by the University of Amsterdam. The award is conferred each year by the Amsterdam Brain and Cognition Center to a prominent researcher in the field of brain and cognitive sciences on the basis of outstanding interdisciplinary achievements. Previous awardees have included James McClelland, Annette Karmiloff-Smith and Michael Tomasello. Professor Huron is the first scholar from the arts and humanities to have received this award.
The Frijda Chair is named after Nico Frijda (1927–2015), who was professor of psychology at the University of Amsterdam and a pioneer of cognitive science in the Netherlands. Each year, the Amsterdam Brain and Cognition center at his alma mater awards this chair to a prominent researcher in the field of brain and cognitive sciences, on the basis of outstanding interdisciplinary achievements.