The Music Education faculty at The Ohio State University values excellence in teaching. Commitment to the development of a musically literate and engaged culture is at the core of what we do. To this end, we have developed the Roll of Distinction Award to recognize a classroom educator who personifies the qualities of musicianship, creative and effective delivery of instruction, professionalism, and most importantly, dedication to the development and education of children. This annual award will be given to one teacher who possesses the aforementioned traits.
Each year, the Music Education faculty travel to the recipient’s school to inform them of their selection as the newest honoree. The recipient is also recognized at the annual alumni reception at the Ohio Music Education Association Professional Development Conference.
This award highlights the great tradition of excellence in Music Education in the School of Music by taking time in the present moment to honor one of our own in the field. By highlighting the success of our alumni, we continue to collaboratively build a clear path of educational sustainability and excellence for the future.

Jason Bash
(BME 2008)
General Music, Freedom Trail Elementary School, Olentangy Local School District
Pictured: Jayne Wenner, Jason Bash, Daryl Kinney

Ben Factor
(BME 2007)
Director of Bands, Lancaster High School
Lancaster City Schools
Amy Johnston Blosser
(BME 2000, MM 2008)
Choral director at Bexley High School and Middle School

Ginny Faulkner
(BME 1996, MM 2006)
Orchestra director at Hilliard Weaver Middle School and Hilliard Davidson High School

Diane Ballard
(MA in Music, 1994)
Director of bands at Gahanna Middle School East
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