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Composition Studio FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

The size of the studio fluctuates between 15–20 undergraduate and graduate music majors.

Annually, the studio accepts between 3–5 undergraduates and 1–3 master’s students. The studio holds 1–2 doctoral positions at a time.

Most composition majors study with a professor. Non-majors, participants and minors begin their composition study with a graduate teaching associate.

Students should expect to practice their craft with consistency by engaging in compositional activity on a daily basis. Compositional activity includes composing, editing, improvising, score study, etc.

Graduates from the composition studio have pursued graduate study at prestigious institutions across the nation and our alumni have an excellent record of employment in academia, in film/television/game scoring, composing and arranging for military service ensembles, and in arts administration.

Several non-majors, music minors and double majors have participated in the composition studio. An interview/portfolio is required for all composition students.

Ohio State has a rich history and tradition of bands, orchestras, jazz ensembles and choirs with a national reputation of excellence. There are several opportunities to perform in ensembles based on an audition, as well as several with no audition required. Visit School of Music Ensembles.

Each semester the studio produces the student-run Composers’ Workshop Concert which exclusively features the music of student composers. There are also other opportunities throughout the academic year.

There are many digital notation and digital audio workstation software options. We work with students with what they have. Also, the Electronic Music Studio is equipped with a variety of state-of-the-art software and hardware.

Lesson assignments are decided at the beginning of each semester but students rotate professors often from semester to semester as we feel it is valuable to have vast and varied insight and perspective.

Composition Studio Class is primarily an opportunity for students to present their music for each other in a safe and comfortable environment and receive constructive criticism and educational direction from the instructor and peers. Students are expected to present at least once per semester. Non-presenting students are required to provide constructive verbal comments. Composition Studio Class may also be used for lecturers and presentations by guest composers, performers and artists.