Clarinet Academy Video Audition Checklist

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Thank you for your interest in participating in Clarinet Academy.

All fields are Required except if marked Optional.

Participant information
Audition checklist

Name of the SOLO, ETUDE, BAND or CHAMBER WORK you will perform in your recording.

If SOLO, something you might like to perform on Solo Night (Tuesday night recital) is also acceptable.

Title and composer:

(Name of scale) 

(Optional) Low E to high G, if possible

Play for Solo Night?

Do you wish to be considered to perform for Solo Night?

Does your solo require accompaniment?

If Yes, please bring your music and the piano score to camp.

Play E-flat in clarinet choir?

Do you wish to play E-flat clarinet in the clarinet choir?

Have E-flat clarinet?

Do you have an E-flat clarinet to bring with you?

Play bass clarinet in clarinet choir?

Do you wish to play bass clarinet in the clarinet choir?

Have bass clarinet?

Do you have a bass clarinet to bring with you?