Can I Kick It? Hip Hop Festival

September 28, 2024
12:30PM - 9:00PM
Timashev Music Building, 1900 College

Date Range
2024-09-28 12:30:00 2024-09-28 21:00:00 Can I Kick It? Hip Hop Festival This inaugural biennial festival — in honor of the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop — is also intended to bring awareness of the developing Hip Hop curriculum in the Ohio State School of Music and Department of African American and African Studies. Our mission is to encourage the pursuit of Hip Hop knowledge, art, scholarship, culture and responsible leadership.Open to university students, faculty and staff from all Ohio State campuses.The event is free, but registration is required. Visit "Can I Kick It?" Hip Hop Festival.All events are subject to change.Getting HerePark in the Arps Garage (open to visitors M–F after 4 p.m. and on weekends) just north of the Timashev Music building. The Timashev Recital Hall is located on the ground floor, at the far north end of the building.Driving and Parking Instructions Timashev Music Building, 1900 College America/New_York public

This inaugural biennial festival — in honor of the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop — is also intended to bring awareness of the developing Hip Hop curriculum in the Ohio State School of Music and Department of African American and African Studies. Our mission is to encourage the pursuit of Hip Hop knowledge, art, scholarship, culture and responsible leadership.

Open to university students, faculty and staff from all Ohio State campuses.

The event is free, but registration is required. Visit "Can I Kick It?" Hip Hop Festival.

All events are subject to change.

Getting Here

Park in the Arps Garage (open to visitors M–F after 4 p.m. and on weekends) just north of the Timashev Music building. 

The Timashev Recital Hall is located on the ground floor, at the far north end of the building.

Driving and Parking Instructions

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