
HalleBOOia event page
October 25, 2024
7:30PM - 9:00PM
Weigel Auditorium

Date Range
2024-10-25 19:30:00 2024-10-25 21:00:00 HalleBOOia! Join us for our 30th annual Halloween concert featuring costumed student groups performing a variety of musical styles — from movie and TV themes to contemporary pop, folk, classical music spoofs and more.Participating groups include the Horn Ensemble, The Percussion Club, Double Reed Choir, CellOhio, Flute Troupe, Buckeye Basses. Soloists Huiwen Jiang, piano; Xiao Liu, voice; Manuel Vizzuraga, piano. Surprises galore. Come to the show!And costumes — don't forget to wear your costume!Access the digital program. No paper programs will be distributed. All events are subject to change.Getting HereAn event in Mershon Auditorium coincides with this event. To avoid the higher-priced event parking fees in Arps Garage and Ohio Union North Garage, we recommend the Ohio Union South Garage. Use the High Street entrance, due to the Homecoming parade route along College Road (approx. 5:30–8:30 p.m.).Park in Ohio Union South Garage (open to visitors 24/7), walk north along College Rd. to enter the south doors of the Timashev Music Building.Weigel Auditorium is located on the second floor at the far south end of the building. An open stairway located just inside the south doors leads to the hall.If an elevator is needed, walk through the Music Commons, behind the open stairway to the back hallway. Follow the hallway through the double doors to the elevator. Driving and Parking Instructions Weigel Auditorium America/New_York public

Join us for our 30th annual Halloween concert featuring costumed student groups performing a variety of musical styles — from movie and TV themes to contemporary pop, folk, classical music spoofs and more.

Participating groups include the Horn Ensemble, The Percussion Club, Double Reed Choir, CellOhio, Flute Troupe, Buckeye Basses. Soloists Huiwen Jiang, piano; Xiao Liu, voice; Manuel Vizzuraga, piano. Surprises galore. Come to the show!

And costumes — don't forget to wear your costume!

All events are subject to change.

Getting Here

An event in Mershon Auditorium coincides with this event. To avoid the higher-priced event parking fees in Arps Garage and Ohio Union North Garage, we recommend the Ohio Union South Garage

  • Use the High Street entrance, due to the Homecoming parade route along College Road (approx. 5:30–8:30 p.m.).

Park in Ohio Union South Garage (open to visitors 24/7), walk north along College Rd. to enter the south doors of the Timashev Music Building.

Weigel Auditorium is located on the second floor at the far south end of the building. An open stairway located just inside the south doors leads to the hall.

  • If an elevator is needed, walk through the Music Commons, behind the open stairway to the back hallway. Follow the hallway through the double doors to the elevator. 

Driving and Parking Instructions

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