
Housed in Weigel Hall and the Timashev Music Building, the School of Music provides lockers in a variety of sizes to accommodate the storage of instruments as well as books and personal effects.
WHO May Request a Locker
Applications are limited to music majors ONLY through the first full week of classes in autumn semester.
Eligible (non-music major) students participating in School of Music ensembles may apply for a locker beginning September 1, and at any time through the remainder of the school year.
Second Locker Requests
With the move to our new facilities, there has been a significant reduction in our available locker inventory. Until we have a better understanding of the locker demand for the semester, we ask that music majors wait until September 14 to request a second locker for their storage needs.
The details you should know
- Available to any current Ohio State student participating in School of Music classes or ensembles that require the student to provide his or her own instrument.
- Locker assignments are determined by the specific storage needs of the student’s primary instrument and students may apply for a second locker if the need is proven. Note that there may be limitations due to reduced locker inventory in our new facilities.
- Students are responsible for providing their own lock for any locker not equipped with a combination lock.
- MUSIC MAJORS — Locker assignments for music majors are for no longer than the current academic year and and must be vacated by the first Monday after spring commencement.
- NON-MUSIC MAJORS — Locker assignments for non-music majors are for no longer than the current semester and must be vacated by the final day of final examinations.
- Non-music majors with a current locker agreement who plan to participate in School of Music ensembles the following semester may submit a new locker application on or after the last day of classes of the current semester.
- SUMMER TERM — Students who are attending summer courses may apply for summer-only locker assignment by permission of the Instrument Room manager.
- Any locker that is found occupied without authorized assignment will be opened and the contents removed without prior notice.
The School of Music and The Ohio State University are not responsible for the loss of personal articles stored in School of Music lockers.
WHAT may be stored
School of Music lockers are primarily for the storage of musical instruments and other personal property.
The following are prohibited:
- Food, drink or other perishable materials.
- Illegal articles including dangerous weapons, combustible and/or explosive devices.
Violation may result in the immediate termination of the Locker Agreement.
HOW to Apply
Apply for a School of Music locker by clicking DocuSign.
Complete all applicable fields in the Locker Preferences and Locker Agreement forms, electronically sign, and submit. If approved, you will receive your locker assignment via email from the Instrument Room manager.
- Due to the high volume of locker applications that occur at the beginning of the Autumn semester, there may be delays in locker assignments. Please be patient.
Contact the Instrument Room manager at broadhurst.2@osu.edu.