Student Recital Overview
Degree Requirement
The student recital is an essential part — and degree requirement — for every performance and music education degree at the School of Music.
- Requirements vary by degree program. Discuss the requirements for your degree with your studio instructor.
- Familiarize yourself with each of the Scheduling Process Guidelines before you begin to schedule. You will need this information for the next steps.
Scheduling Process Guidelines
The scheduling process begins in the semester prior to the semester of your recital.
All students are advised to begin the process early, to ensure that all deadlines will be met.
Once your recital time is confirmed, you will receive the Student Recital Packet, with instructions and forms to complete the next steps of the recital process.
How much time do I book for my recital?
The length of your recital and dress rehearsal(s) is determined by degree program, class rank and instrument. You will need to know and follow these requirements in order to request recital dates and times.
- BME and UG Junior (except piano / strings) = 30 minutes + 1 hour set
- UG Junior Piano/Strings; BM UG Senior / GR Recitals (except chamber, piano, strings) = 1 hour + 1 hour set
- UG Senior Piano / Strings; GR Piano, Strings / Chamber Recitals = 1.5 hours + 1 hour set
- Jazz Combo recitals = 1 hour + 1 hour set
- Percussion recitals are often performed in blocks scheduled by the Percussion Studio. Consult with your faculty.
What are the scheduling restrictions?
The following restrictions apply to recitals performed both on and off campus:
- No recitals may be scheduled on Ohio State home football game days. Check
- No recitals may be scheduled over the Thanksgiving break, during autumn/winter/spring breaks, or on Easter Sunday.
- No recitals may be scheduled on Reading Day or during final exams.
- Optional recitals may only be scheduled in autumn semester. Note the fee for Optional recitals.
- Other scheduling restrictions may apply. You will be notified when you make your request.
Where can I book my recital?
Recitals may be booked in Weigel Auditorium, the Timashev Recital Hall or a few alternate space in Timashev.
Refer to the Performance Spaces information below. Be aware of limited amenities in some spaces.
Spaces are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Off-Campus Recitals — Occasionally, it may be appropriate to consider an off-campus recital (e.g. an organ is required, etc.). These require special permission and have specific requirements. Refer to the Off-Campus Recital Process in the scheduling steps below.
When are off-campus recitals appropriate and what is the process?
Occasionally, it may be appropriate to consider an off-campus recital (e.g. an organ is required, etc.). These require special permission and have specific requirements.
To schedule an off-campus recital, follow the scheduling steps below. You will be required to submit BOTH the Permission to Schedule Recital form AND the Off-Campus Recital Request form.
You are also responsible for all production elements for your recital:
- Discuss all production, rehearsal, recording and stage needs with your studio instructor.
School of Music stage crew is not available for off-campus recitals or rehearsals.
- Ensure that a high-quality and properly tuned accompaniment instrument will be available, if it is needed (e.g. piano, organ, harpsichord, etc.)
You must arrange for the availability, tuning and placement of the venue’s instrument in your discussions and agreements with the venue’s representative.
Provide approved programs for the recital. See the Recital Program Guide in your Recital Packet.
- Arrange for a professional-quality audio recording of the recital. Refer to the Recording Services instructions in your Recital Packet.
A recital performed without a high-quality audio recording will NOT count toward the completion of the degree. If not performing in a School of Music space where audio recordings are provided, students are responsible for making arrangements for a high-quality audio recording. It is strongly recommended that you utilize the services of a professional, although this is not a requirement.
The recording must be at least 44.1kHz and 24 bits.
How much time do I book for my dress rehearsal?
After your recital has been confirmed, you will receive the Recital Packet, which includes the procedures and form to schedule your dress rehearsal(s).
Note that the same restrictions apply:
- No dress rehearsals may be scheduled on Ohio State home football game days. Check
- No recitals may be scheduled over the Thanksgiving break, during autumn/winter/spring breaks, or on Easter Sunday.
- No recitals may be scheduled on Reading Day or during final exams.
The length of your dress rehearsal(s) is determined by degree program, class rank and instrument. You will need to know and follow these requirements in order to request dress rehearsal dates and times. Be sure to include the required set time when requesting your dress rehearsal dates/times.
- Undergraduate, all instruments (except piano / percussion) = 1.5 hours + .50 hour set
- Undergraduate Junior /BME Piano = 2 dress rehearsals of 1 hour + .50 hour set
- Undergraduate Senior Piano / Graduate Piano / Graduate Chamber = 2 dress rehearsals of 2 hours + .50 set
- Graduate, all instruments (except piano, percussion and chamber) = 2 hours + .50 set
- Percussion (all class ranks) = 3 hours, includes set time
Will my recital be livestreamed?
All student recitals performed in Weigel Auditorium and Timashev Recital Hall will be streamed live unless you decline the service on the Crew Needs Sheet form. The stream will be available on the School of Music YouTube channel. A private link will be sent to you 1–2 weeks in advance, for you to share as you see fit. Only those with the link will be able to view the performance, which will remain viewable after the live performance date.
The School of Music does not provide audio or video services for recitals performed off campus.
May I hold a reception after my recital?
School of Music spaces must be reserved for receptions.
Receptions must be held in non-carpeted spaces.
Email your request to
What if I need to cancel or reschedule my recital and/or Dress Rehearsal?
Students who reschedule/cancel an ON-CAMPUS dress rehearsal/recital with less than two weeks’ notice will be charged $50.
If you must reschedule or cancel due to circumstances out of your control, contact your appropriate chairperson:
- Undergraduates — David Hedgecoth
- Graduate students — Eugenia Costa-Giomi
Refer to the Dress Rehearsal and Recital Policies, which are part of your Recital Packet and must be signed and submitted before your recital.
Schedule your Recital
All required forms referenced below should be emailed to Eva Banks at If unable to submit items electronically, email the same address to make alternate arrangements.
The Permission to Schedule form MUST be completed and submitted at least SIX WEEKS before your desired recital date.
Step 1 — Download/refer to the Performance Spaces guide *
With your studio instructor, refer to this guide to select your recital space.
- Note that ALL piano recitals will take place in the Timashev Recital Hall.
- Not all spaces provide the required high-quality audio recording capabilities or the option to livestream. Student recitals generally use the spaces listed on the first page. Select your recital location carefully.
Step 2 — With your studio instructor, complete the Permission to Schedule form
The form MUST be completed and submitted at least SIX WEEKS before your desired recital date.
Download the Permission to Schedule Recital form:
- With your instructor, verify the 5-digit class number for the recital section you will schedule.
- Determine the required length of your recital. Refer to the "How Much Time" guideline above.
- Access Mazévo (log in with your Ohio State credentials) — the School of Music Space Management platform.
- Select three (3) potential dates/times that provide the length of time required for your recital.
- List your choices on the form. Be careful to use the correct room code listed (ex. WG100A, N120, N160, etc.)
- Obtain your instructor's signature once the scheduling form is complete. They may use an electronic signature.
- Email your form(s) to
Please verify that you have registered for the correct section of your recital course. Have your studio instructor confirm the class number you enter on the form.
Scheduling an off-campus recital recital? Be sure to review the off-campus recital requirements above.
Complete BOTH the Permission to Schedule Recital form AND the Off-Campus Recital Request form.
- Off-Campus Recital Request 2024 [fillable pdf] (opens in a new window)
Step 2a — Graduate Students only
The MM Concerto Piano Recital, as well as each of the four (4) DMA recitals, require an additional approval form.
When you submit your Permission to Schedule form to, also complete the required graduate recital form as instructed below.
Follow the Graduate Recital Approval Instructions
Step 3 — Receive recital date/time confirmation
Once submitted, your preferences will be considered and you will receive email confirmation within 3–5 business days.
Once your recital has been confirmed, you will receive a copy of the Student Recital Packet which will lead you through the following steps (and deadlines) to complete your recital process. Most of the documents in the guide require faculty approval and signatures before submission. Watch those deadlines!
- Recital Checklist
- Dress Rehearsal Scheduling Guide and Recital Process form
- Audio Recording Services Agreement and Requirements form
- Recital Program Guidelines and Approval form
- Download the Program template referred to in the guide:
Use the sample formats on the template to build your program (printable on standard 8.5" x 11" letter-sized paper).
- Crew Needs Sheet
- Fifty-dollar ($50) recital fee (for optional recitals; Autumn semester ONLY)
- Submit your final form(s) THREE WEEKS before your recital.
Failure to submit ALL of these items on time may result in forfeiture of your recital date.
Email Eva Banks at
[pdf] — Some links on this page are to PDF files requiring Adobe Reader. If you need them in a more accessible format, please contact us.