Vocal Arts Camp 2024 — Day Program

Monday–Friday, June 24–28

8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily

Students will work with members of the voice faculty to enhance their vocal performance abilities through:

  • One-on-one lessons 
  • Classes on auditioning, vocal technique, lyric diction, singing health, Alexander Technique
  • "The Savvy Singer: Preparing to Work with a Pianist," Beth Parker, instructor
  • Master classes
  • Ensemble and stage craft work

The program will conclude with a student performance on Friday, June 28, 2–3 p.m. in the beautiful new Timashev Recital Hall;  free and open to the public. 

Vocal Arts Camp faculty: Laura Portune, Helen Allen, Katherine Rohrer, C. Andrew Blosser, Eric Gibson, Diana McCullough
Faculty profiles

ELIGIBILITY — For students entering grades 10–12 in the 2024–2025 school year, and 2024 high school graduates.


FEES  — $395 (includes T-shirt and lunch)


Registration deadlineJUNE 14

STEP 1 You will be required to make payment via credit card at the time of registration. Shortly after submitting payment, you will receive an email confirming the transaction. 

Vocal Arts Camp registration is closed.

NOTE — The registration/payment form works best on a computer (PC or Mac).
MAC USERS — use Chrome, not Safari.

STEP 2 Permission forms. 3–5 days after you register and pay, parents/guardians and participants will receive permission forms via DocuSign. All forms must be returned by the DocuSign deadline in order to participate.

STEP 3 —  Submit a video.

Please note that this is NOT an audition for camp. 

In order to get to know all of our attendees — to select the best music and plan the most meaningful experiences for you — we request that you send a link to a video of you singing a favorite song.  

  • DEADLINE  Please submit as soon after you register as possible. This will help us to select the best music for a rewarding experience.  

This can be TikTok-style a casual video recorded with your phone. It can be with or without accompaniment. It can be you practicing a song you are working on in lessons, or a clip from the video of your school musical or choir concert where you sang a solo. It can be recorded at a voice lesson, in your house or at school. We will accept any recording where we can see and hear you clearly. This is low-key. Have fun with it.

  • Step 1 — Create your video, or get access to one that already exists.
  • Step 2 — Post your audition as an UNLISTED VIDEO on YouTube, or upload to a file-sharing platform such as OneDrive or Dropbox.
  • Step 3 — Send an email, with the link to your video, to Professor Helen Allen at allen.560@osu.edu 
    Be sure to include your full name in your email so that we can match it with your registration submission.

Need help? These instructional videos can help with this process:


In consideration of possible programming for the program's finale concert, as well as voice lesson material, we ask that you:

  • Email the titles of 2–3 favorite selections that you feel show you at your best (and are already memorized). 
  • Please include at least one or more classical piece(s) if possible. 
  • Send the titles and composer names — at the same time as your video link — to Professor Helen Allen at allen.560@osu.edu .

What's Next?

  • Shortly after the registration deadline, students will receive a packet of music to review in advance of the program. 
  • Approximately one week before the program, participants and parents/guardians will receive an email with basic information about what to pack, arrival, parking, and check-in, as well as a Digital Handbook with important information for a successful experience. 


* Background image by Benzoix on Freepik.com